Theory and measurement of sampling and coarse quatization effects in a signal memory
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Bil, Ryszard Zbigniew
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The effects of sampling and coarse quantisation on signal
fidelity at the output of a Digital Radio Frequency Memory (DRFM)
memory module have been considered. Fourier analysis on
deterministic signals after quantisation and sampling has been
contrasted and compared to the generalised statistical appzoaoh
of randomly distributed quantisation errors within the quantising
intervals. It has been shown theoretically and by measurement,
that the spectra of coarsely quantised signals contain
quantisat:i.on noLsa that is coloured, as oppos ed ,to whi t:e,
especially if the sample correlation coefficients are high.
Coarse quantisation produces spurs (harmonics) that appear in the
message band eithe): as aliasec1. or unaJ.iased spurs. Harmonic power
summation yielded quant.Lsat.Lcn noise powers that correlated \llel1
with the generalised approach from three bits of quant.LaabLon
upwards, and near identical results for six bits. Spectral
measurements were made on a one bit quantiser and the results
obtained compared favourably with the theoreticCil pzedLc'' tons,
showing the harmohic spurs and the effect of spectral fold-over.
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Engineering,
university of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in
Somerset West, 1990