Factors that influence patient’s perception for choosing Seboche hospital as preferred choice in Makhoakhoeng (Lesotho)
This study examines the factors that contribute to patients’ perception on hospital choice for treatment which leads to underutilization of rural Butha-buthe hospital in Lesotho. The study also sought to determine why and how rural patients bypass local referral hospital. The last factor is how they make their decision for the hospital choice. The study was conducted in Seboche hospital which is in Makhoakhoeng. For inclusion the patients had to have the following:
• At least 30 kilometers away from Seboche Hospital.
• Must be willing to participate in the study; and must come to Seboche
hospital at least twice in one month or 8 times in six months. Data was collected by means of in depth interviews. The interviews were audio taped. Qualitative analysis of data was applied and interpreted by use of content analysis. Qualitative research was conducted through semi-structured in-depth interviews with patients that use Seboche Hospital even if it is far further while they have alternative hospitals. Review of records at Seboche Hospital was done as the first step in identifying how often a particular patient comes to the hospital and from which village. Eighteen patients from eight villages around Butha-buthe were interviewed. The sample selected was non probability sampling. For this study, purposive or judgmental sampling is used. The questionnaire was fundamentally addressing concepts which are critical on perception of hospital choice, e.g Hospital reputation, Costs to the hospital, time to the hospital and how quality is perceived. The results suggest that the hospital quality, prior experiences and the satisfaction with the service received from the local hospital, along with patients’ value of hospital size, influences patients’ hospital choice.
MM (P&DM) thesis
Hospitals, Rural health facilities