Challenges faced by labour inspectors

dc.contributor.authorMoiloa, Agnes
dc.descriptionthesis - P&DMen_US
dc.description.abstractThe post apartheid South Africa is moving into a phase of policy implementation in terms of governance. The period preceding the democratisation of the country has realised the enactment of various policy prescripts fundamentally meant to grow the development index of the country. Indirectly, this will also contribute to economic growth. It has since emerged that at implementation level, there are a number of problems. This study explored a component of some of the implementation challenges faced, in particular, by policy implementers. The study focused on the implementation of the Employment Equity Act no 55 as administered by the Department of Labour. Ten Inspectors and one manager were interviewed in the Mpumalanga Province. It was established that there is a large degree of non-compliance by employers. It was also found out that there are management and policy barriers that stand in the way of effective implementation at the Act.en_US
dc.subjectLabour inspectorsen_US
dc.subjectDepartment of Labour - Inspectorsen_US
dc.titleChallenges faced by labour inspectorsen_US