Fossil hyaenidae from the Makapansgat Limeworks deposit, South Africa
Randall, R. M.
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Bernard Price Institute for Palaeontological Research
The remains of three hyaena species have been recovered from the Makapansgat Limeworks
deposit. A common small form , Hyaena hyaena makapani, and a rare large form, Pachycrocuta
brevirostris, were recovered from Member 3 (Lower Phase 1 grey breccia). The rare Crocuta
crocuta was recovered from Member 4 (Upper Phase 1 breccia), and was the only hyaena from
this horizon.
Abundant cranial and dental material of H. h. makapani facilitated comparisons with extant
and fossil forms to confirm its identification as a subspecies of the extant striped hyaena. Despite
morphological differences in the skull and teeth, H. abronia from Langebaanweg is confirmed
as its likely ancestor. Some deciduous teeth of H. h. makapani are described and the
eruption sequence of permanent cheek teeth deduced. P. brevirostris appears to be the largest
fossil hyaena from Africa, showing affinities to P. bellax from Kromdraai. C. crocuta is similar to
the extant form and the fossil forms from East Africa. As in the East African deposits, C. crocuta
appears relatively late in the succession.
The hyaena material has limited value in site faunal correlations for dating purposes, but
does not contradict the palaeomagnetic age estimate of more than 2,9 My for Member 3 (grey
breccia) (Partridge 1979).
Main article
hyaena; Makapansgat