Sound in silence: the library re-imagined to fit a modern society in the urban context of Braamfontein

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Schulman, Rivka

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The library, an old and well tested typology, once vital to the social fabric of communities, now faces redundancy in a modern and ever-changing world ruled by technological advances and progress. This thesis attempts to re-imagine what a library can be and its role within a modern, urban community like that of Braamfontein. How something like the implementation of a new kind of library project can help open up the University of the Witwatersrand to Braamfontein and better integrate it into the community. To explore its potential in re-urbanism and working to establish a series of developmental nodes and a relationship network with other public buildings, to help enrich a greater sense of place and purpose to the area. Through the ideas of queered space, this re-imagined library will look to incorporate the contradictory functions of a music program alongside those of a modern library, ultimately proposing a Public Library and Music Centre. Linking itself to the growing nodes of social hubs that make up the renewing urban fabric, it will provide a space for education, expression, refuge, and entertainment to the many students, residents, and visitors to the area. The building will host separate, concurrent, and alternatingly purposed spaces for the two programs. These will include study and practice rooms, an auditorium, a multi-purpose exhibition and performance space, audio booths, recording facilities and audio libraries. Additionally, the building will also engage further with the public through a cafe and retail stores, as well as pop-up public events in unison with neighbouring buildings like WAM and the Wits Theatre Complex, whilst promoting a greener, more pedestrian friendly urban environment. The project strives to make use of the two programs’ contradicting natures to help design a new, bold take on what a library in today’s modern world can be


A research report submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Architecture (Professional), 2021






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