Call centre job differences

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Jansen, A
Callaghan, CW

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This research tested theory that predicted differences in the relationships between perceptions of management, satisfaction and performance by call centre job type. A sample of a hundred and ninety respondents was drawn from South African call centres. Findings suggest that outbound call centre agents are significantly more job dissatisfied than inbound agents, along certain dimensions. Outbound agents, sales agents and after service agents were found to rate their performance quality significantly lower than the rest of the cohort; in contrast, inbound agents and customer queries agents were found to rate their performance more highly. On the basis of the findings it is argued that assumptions of homogeneity in call centre work is problematic. It is recommended that different management strategies be built around different types of call centre work, that are responsive to the needs of those engaged in each type of work. It is also recommended that job enrichment be applied to all types of call centre work to potentially increase variability in tasks, which might increase autonomy and job satisfaction in this type of work.



Learning style, learning language experience, Length of tertiary study, Field of study


Jansen, A., & Callaghan, C. W. (2014). Call centre job differences. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(20), 466-476



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