A collective field theory approach to the large N spectrum of two matrices

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Cook, Martin

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Abstract The collective field theory technique provides a method of tackling problems with two N × N matrices in the large N limit. The collective field background from one matrix is first found, then the second matrix is introduced into this background as an impurity. Within the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence, this technique can be used to describe gauge theory states in the BMN limit. This dissertation starts by developing the collective field theory technique, firstly in general variables, then for one matrix, and subsequently for two matrices. It goes on to introduce a Yang-Mills interaction term, where two variable identifications are considered. The first is the more traditional angular momentum eigenstate model. The second is a model that directly uses two of the Higgs scalars. This model has been mentioned in the literature, but has not been considered in great depth. The exact two impurity spectrum is found, and the multi-impurity spectrum is found to first order. The resulting energy values match a spectrum that has been found for giant magnons.



String theory, conformal field theory, eigenvalues, eigenfunctions, supergravity, space-time configurations





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