Gauge gravity dualities at finite N
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Mabanga, Wandile
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In this dissertation we compute the anomalous dimensions for a class of operators, belonging
to the SU(3) sector of the theory, that have a bare dimension of order N. For these
operators the large N limit and the planar limit are distinct and summing only the planar
diagrams will not capture the large N dynamics. Although the spectrum of anomalous
dimensions has been computed for this class of operators, previous studies have neglected
certain terms which were argued to be small. After dropping these terms diagonalizing the
dilatation operator reduces to diagonalizing a set of decoupled oscillators. In this dissertation
we explicitely compute the terms which were neglected previously and show that diagonalizing
the dilatation operator still reduces to diagonalizing a set of decoupled oscillators.
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science. Johannesburg, 2014.