Buyers requirements and supplier
Grant, Anthony Nicolas Daniel
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The demand for professional services is growing as the Mauritian economy
turns to new areas of exports and restructuring of organisations to face global
market environment changes.
This growth will attract players in the field of management consulting leading
to a competitive local market where proper marketing of services will help in
gaining market share.
The purpose of this study was to identify the buyers’ requirements and the
perceptions of providers of professional services for the marketing of the said
After a review of prior research, a qualitative research methodology was used
through semi-structured interviews, and the responses obtained were
analysed using mind maps for both buyers and providers.
The study uncovered six main themes for buyers and five for providers. These
themes were compared to the literature review.
The study showed that buyers and providers’ themes were similar; the buyers’
expectations in terms of the marketing of professional services were matched
by the providers though the performance of the providers as assessed by the
buyers proved inconclusive.
The marketing mix elements identified in the literature were compared with the
different themes uncovered, and this could assist the marketing on the
providers’ side and help buyers in the selection process of suppliers of
professional services.
Professional services, Marketing of services, Management consultants