The adoption of VOIP technology by mobile network operators in South Africa.
Pieton, Laurent Philippe
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Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) is an example of convergence, bringing
together telephony and Internet technologies. Convergence, brought about by
rapid technological change and market liberalisation, is contributing to the
evolution of the telecommunications sector by blending previously separate
technologies to create new products and thus revolutionising markets and
disrupting established business models.
This research explores the adoption of VOIP technology by Mobile Network
Operators in South Africa and considers whether the service introduction is a
response to changes in the technological, market and regulatory landscape.
The study also looks at the implementation of IP based services and the
implication that these business developments have on the telecommunication
Semi-structured interviews were used to gain views and opinions from twenty
four managers and senior executives at the leading mobile network operators,
VOIP operators, technology vendors and consultants involved in the data and
voice sectors.
The key findings were that mobile network operators are uncertain about the
financial viability of VOIP technology and the potential benefits that it provides.
The new business units face challenges in implementing a disruptive
technology due to a lack of support and synergies with their parent
organisations. The implication of these findings is that value chains in the sector
will be reconfigured as various market players configure themselves to address
the needs of end customers.
The study also concludes that the established operators are likely to have more
difficulty in achieving success in delivering IP services to business customers
while new market entrants are likely to outperform in exploiting a disruptive
technology such a VOIP and will better address the needs of business
MBA Thesis 2013
Internet telephony, Mobile communication systems