Strategies for designing useful interfaces for software in high voltage applications and a case study of these principles applied to the alternative transients program (ATP).
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Orbach, Tamir
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ATP (Alternative Transients Program) has beern used as a case study to show the dev elopment of
strategies for writing usable and maintainable software in the High Voltage field. This was done
by developing a graphical user interface (GUI) for ATP as a pre-processor to the program. The
GUI was developed using modern software quality principles, as well as modem usability and
maintainability trends including the use of object-oriented programming and design. The
implementation of the GUI was performed by first writing the documentation for the program
including the User Requirements Specifications, the User Reference Manual, and the Technical
Reference Manual, and then coding the actual GUI, The implementation is shown to be successful
in that the program is verv usable, easily maintainable, and adheres to internationally accepted
standards for software. It is shown that the techniques used for this design can easily be used for
other High Voltage software which suffers from setbacks similar to those of ATP.
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Engineering, University of the
Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fuifilment of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Science in Engineering.
User interfaces (Computer systems), High voltages -- Data processing., Alternative Transients Program (Computer Program)