An evaluation of the zoology 1 academic support programme at the University of the Witwatersrand
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Sanders, Martha Ruth
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This investigation looks at the appearance of the
high-risk student, and the compensatory education
programmes which developed to try and help cope with this
problem. It examines the issues and findings of almost
three decades of American research into the matter, a,
well as the more recent South African investigations.
Factors affecting evaluations of education programmes,
and which could contribute to the lack of concensus about
the worth of these programmes, are discussed. Finally
attention is focussed on the evaluation of a specific
Zoology Academic Support Programme. The evaluation,
based on Patton's paradigm of choices, includes both
summative and formative aspects, It Is hoped >.ha^ e
former will assist the reader to make an informed
decision about the worth of this programme. The
illuminate some of the issues affecting the program..,, s
success, in the hope that a better understanding of
these will allow for modifications to improve the
effectiveness of this programme.
A Research Project Submitted to the Faculty of
Education, University of the Witwatersrand,
Johannesburg, in Part Fulfilment of the Requirements
for the Degree of Master of Education
Johannesburg, 1986