Shongwe, Sam Dumisani
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It is widely accepted that telecommunications play a crucial role in the development of
economies and in today’s global community. In addition, developments in telecommunications
industry continue to be fast paced as the world moves towards convergence in the sector. Given
the importance attached to telecommunications in the modern world and the fast pace changes in
technological advancement, it is crucial that a conducive environment be put in place in every
country to ensure peak performance in all aspects. This emphasises the need for regulation in all
countries and Swaziland is no exception.
Whilst numerous studies have been done in the area of telecommunications regulation in
developed countries and developing countries, very little if any at all have been done on
telecommunications regulation in Swaziland. Swaziland currently does not have an independent
regulator of telecommunications services. The main purpose of this study was to develop a
framework for telecommunications regulation in Swaziland. A situation analysis of the
telecommunications industry was undertaken and the regulatory structure compared with others
across the globe as well as existing international guidelines on telecommunications regulation
outlined in treaties that Swaziland is a signatory to. The study also sampled perceptions of
players in the telecommunications industry and used same to customise the resulting regulatory
framework for telecommunications regulation to Swaziland. The research revealed that the
current regulator, Swaziland Post and Telecommunications Corporation (SPTC) through its
Managing Director, operates the fixed telephone line services and additionally hold a stake in the
mobile telephone services company, MTN Swaziland. The monopolistic tendency and poor
regulation has led to under-investment in the telecommunications sector as well as poor quality
service, as revealed by interviews with key informants.
In relation to the size of telecommunications industry in Swaziland the study proposes the
introduction of the Department of Telecommunications Regulations to be headed by the Chief
Regulator. In order to ensure operational independence and fairness it is further proposed that the
Chief Regulator be hired competitively and also be given a security of tenure of office. This
would ensure independent regulation at affordable budget.
MBA thesis - WBS
Telecommunication regulation, Swaziland