Translation in the South African popular media: A case study of YOU and Huisgenoot
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Marus, Lia
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This study represents a case study of translation in the popular media, with reference
to two South African magazines, You and Huisgenoot. The aim is to investigate the
translation processes and policies in the growing area of translation in the popular
media in South Africa. As such it aims to examine: What is translated? Why it is
translated? How is it translated? and Who translates it?, as well as whether the two
readerships have common interests. The study contextualises the research in terms of
the history of Huisgenoot and You and examines the translation practices in relation to
theoretical issues associated with the popular media and translation. It was concluded
that only material that is culturally relevant to the readerships of both magazines is
translated in order for the subject matter of each magazine to be of interest to their
respective audiences; translation is informed by instinct rather than formal translator
training or theory; currently the bulk of translation is handled by Huisgenoot as the
majority source of material is generated in English and the majority of translated
material has South African-based content. The research report concludes with a
discussion of how the translator’s ethical persuasions affect the translation process.
Student Number : 0210516V -
MA research report -
School of Literature and Language Studies -
Faculty of Humanities
translation, popular media, Afrikaans, South Africa, Popular Culture