Perceived factors influencing the motivation of Blue Collar workers in South Africa
Govender, Sanderan K
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The primary purpose of this research is to determine the factors which are critical to the motivation of blue collar workers as it is these factors which contribute to the achievement of high levels of productivity in the work place. Furthermore, the research aims to determine whether blue collar workers have a preference for extrinsic factors or intrinsic factors.
The aim of the research report is not to modify behaviour or influence the current state of affairs in any way. The objective is to reveal data that will establish the current situation. The population chosen for this research consists of blue collar workers that are employed in the Quarrying industry operated by PPC Aggregates Pty Ltd.
A questionnaire was used to gather the relevant data during an interview session with each respondent. The questions and the questionnaire adopted for this research is an adaptation of those used in a previous study. The study in question, done in 2008, focused on Employee motivation of Malaysian blue collar workers (Islam and Ismail, 2008).
In this study, the data collected from the questionnaires was analysed using an array of descriptive and inferential statistical analyses. This was done using the Statistical Package for Social Scientist (SPSS) which, with the t-test, will be employed to analyse the data. The ranked data was then analysed using means comparison.
The results of the research show that blue collar workers listed cash, company shares and paid time off, in that order, as their preferred top three methods of reward and recognition. In terms of factors of motivation, the top three preferred options were high wages, job security and promotion. The results of the research conclude that blue collar workers prefer extrinsic factors of motivation over intrinsic factors.
MBA thesis
Blue collar workers, Motivation of employees