Determinants of the sustainable energy of the future
Simon, Lilian
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The production of electricity is not always aligned with the future demands of society and, unfortunately, it comes with drawbacks, especially in developing countries. Based on a review of the relevant literature, a predictive qualitative model was formulated to explore the effects of the influencing factors of the energy fields on the choice of a sustainable energy for the future. The model is based on a layered framework of all identified drivers for the choice of a means of generating electricity. Scenarios tested against the theoretical model yield a set of results that comply with many of the observations expressed in the literature or even in the real world. These scenarios gave rise to propositions that were tested empirically. The accuracy of the election of the best means of genrating energy for any country depends of the accuracy of the assessment carried out on the global situation of that country concerning the influencing drivers. The model proposed here uses such assessments as its starting point.
Energy, Electricity