Evaluation of employee performance appraisal process in a South African facility management company
Naicker, Seelan
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Performance appraisal is one element of the performance management process which
involves different measurements throughout the organization. But it is the element that
is most important if organisations are to take full advantage of their most important
asset – employees. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the employee
performance appraisal process in a South African facility management company and to
suggest recommendations to management based on the literature review.
The research took the form of a case study with a sample of 20 respondents who
participated in individual qualitative structured interviews. Multiple sources of data were
used in the data gathering process and triangulation was achieved by analysing the
literature, policies and procedure of Company X as well as data gathered from the
individual interviews.
The findings of the research revealed that there were numerous gaps in the
performance appraisal process, with respondents expressing deep concern on the
validity and merits of the current appraisal practices.
The main findings showed that respondents thought there was a lack of objectivity in
contracts and poor communication. Furthermore the low emphasis on employee
training and appraisers’ lack of skills were also raised as issues and concerns on the
effectiveness of the appraisal process.
The conclusions of the research have informed the main recommendations, to improve
the current process to one that is much more effective and which incorporates more
interactive communication and training on a continuous basis for both employees and
MBA thesis - WBS
Performance appraisal, Employee performance appraisal