Leveraging malboro gautrain precinct (MGSP) for inclusive green urbanism ithe Gauteng city region
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Ismail, Taariq
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The MGSP has potential to be a space that develops into a precinct rooted within the principles
of inclusive green urbanism. Currently the precinct is not adapting to its optimum potential given
the opportunity of the Gautrain station.
With the advent of large mega-projects adjoining the precinct, an economically high income
“triangle” is created with Alexandra in the centre. The value of the precinct is expected to gain
momentum and the risk of socio-economic exploitation and gentrification can lead to spatial
displacement of the low-income residents. This study intends to use the Precinct as a case-study
in order to evaluate how one could leverage the surrounding urban development mega-projects
to transform the MGSP in pursuit of enhanced inclusive green urbanism for the GCR and thus
inform efforts towards integrated urban development with enhanced inclusive green urbanism
as the primary goal. The sub-questions seek to understand the inclusivity value of the MGSP for
the GCR; the MGSPs transformation constraining factors; and how best to transform the MGSP
in a manner that mitigates the risk of gentrification and displacement. The methodology was
based on a qualitative approach with primary data collected through interviews and secondary
data captured from policy and planning reports and the relevant municipal and provincial
The study finds that the MGSP has a high inclusivity and transformative value with vast potential
for the Precinct to be transformed into a thriving inter-modal TOD precinct within Johannesburg
and the GCR. However, limitations are noted, such as the uncertainty surrounding the vacant
Frankenwald land within the precinct. In addition, private sector developers do not fully
acknowledge their significant opportunity to contribute to the transformation of Alexandra.
If planned responsively, and especially within the framework of inclusive green urbanism, and
specifically based on a TOD focus then the transformation potential for the precinct and the
greater Alexandra areas is now ripe. This would optimise value and quality of life for its current
and future residents
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Architecture in Sustainable and Energy Efficient Cities, Johannesburg, 2017
Ismail, Taariq (2017) Leveraging Marlboro Gautrain Station Precinct (MGSP) for inclusive green urbanism in the Gauteng city region, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, https://hdl.handle.net/10539/24932