The impact of certain life circumstances on the work values of grade eleven pupils

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Brebnor, Belinda Anne

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Work values haw been the focus of many studies but there has been little insight given into how people prioritise these values, what they base them on and in what way they hope to achieve them. The present study made usc of a values questionnaire standardised specifically for the unique population inhabiting South Africa namely the Values Scale (Langley, 1993a). The stucv was perfcrmed ill seven schools and consisted of 356 pupils 158 of which were male and 163 female. Demographic variables that were used tc depict differing life circumstances of pupils included socio-economic status. W·IHkr. race, language, the type of school attended and residence (i.c, if the pupil lived with both parents or some 0110 ohm). Socio-economic status Was measured by means of several variables which resulted in It composite measure. Statistical analysis made usc of ANOVA's and It principle component analysis. Results of the principle components analysis indicated that the 22 values in the Values Scale (Langley, 19950) could be condensed into five factors which were labeled; Intrinsic, Collectivistic; Individualistic; Social and Extrinsic values. Significant differences occurred on both the original 22 values and the alternate factors between the different socio-economic status groups, genders, languages, race and school groups, Intrinsic and extrinsic values were found to be orthogonal and not dichotomous in nature and the Values Scale (Langley, 1995a) was found to be a useful instrument with high reliability scores and ability to diacriminutc between groups.


A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Arts, University of the Witwatersrand, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Arts. Johannesburg 1998.






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