Factors that influence general medical practitioners in South Africa to prescribe branded or generic medicine
Cutten, Natalie
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The upcoming implementation of the National Health Insurance coverage
presents the possibility that there will be increased consumption of prescription
medications in South Africa. The majority of general practitioners practising in
South Africa are working in the private sector; therefore this sector still has a
strong value proposition amongst pharmaceutical producers.
In order to leverage profitability through pharmaceutical detailing targeted at
the prescribing doctor within the private sector, there is a need to understand
what factors influence the prescription decision.
A survey using a modified five point Likert scale was developed in order to
ascertain what factors influence the prescription decision. An online survey
using Med pages database, as well as a paper based survey distributed at a
continuous medical education event, was used to obtain data.
A quantitative conjoint design was used to ascertain what factors influence the
prescription decision. The conjoint average importances demonstrated that cost
was the most important factor within the prescription decision; followed by
attitude to generics; specialist recommendations; shared decision making; and
finally pharmaceutical promotions. It was also found general practitioners who
practice with colleagues that recommend a branded medication are significantly
influenced in terms of their prescribing.
There is an opportunity for both generic and branded manufacturers to leverage
profitability through prescribing general practitioners within the private sector in
South Africa. There is a need for generic manufacturers to produce quality
products, and to proposition consumers and prescriber whether it is necessary
to pay a premium for a medication, when a generic of the same quality can be
obtained at a lower price. Branded manufacturers need to focus marketing
detailing efforts towards opinion leaders such as specialists, and general
practitioners that practice in partnerships, in order to maximise returns through
multiplier effects.
MBA thesis
Medicine, Branded, Medicine, Generic