The Role of Marketing Managers in Strategy Formulation in B2C Companies in South Africa
Hurwitz, Marc Gregory
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The purpose of this research was to investigate the roles and responsibilities of marketing
managers in Business to Consumer (B2C) organisations in South Africa. Then to determine the
strategy formulation process that they use, understand which of the marketing roles overlap with
the strategy formulation process and which in turn determine the effect that marketing managers
have on strategy formulation. The results of the research are intended to assist marketing
managers to determine the potential scope of their role and how they can influence strategy
formulation in their organisations.
The literature review explains that marketing is a difficult concept to define and the scope may
vary. The roles and responsibilities of marketing managers are identified from different literature
sources and categorised. Strategy is defined and the strategy formulation process is presented in
the literature review. The proposed roles and responsibilities of marketing managers are presented
as well as the areas where marketing will most affect strategy formulation.
Seventeen in-depth face-to-face interviews were conducted with the most senior marketing
employee. For the purpose of this research, the most senior marketing employee will be referred to
as the marketing manager regardless of designation. The data was analysed using the summative
approach to data reduction as this was seen as the best way to test the propositions.
The research found that the responsibilities of marketing managers are segmented into roles that
are owned by marketing, or roles that are key but not owned. Marketing can have an instrumental
part to play, marketing can have a supportive role, marketing can have a consultative role,
marketing can have different levels of influence or marketing can have no role to play in each
responsibility along the strategy formulation process.
All marketing managers have some leadership, strategy, branding, advertising and customer
related roles. Most marketing managers have full promotional management responsibility and
manage contemporary issues and trends. Very few marketing managers are involved in pricing
and distribution. Marketing managers have the biggest effect on the strategy formulation process in
strategy implementation. Strategic frameworks present the biggest opportunities for marketing
managers to increase their involvement in the strategy formulation process.
In order for marketing managers to increase their authority and influence in the company, they
must increase the scope of responsibilities in the marketing department, improve measurements
and analytics, fully understand and react to contemporary issues and increase their involvement in
the strategy formulation process.
MBA thesis
Marketing managers, Strategy formulation, Business to consumers companies