Opportunities and challenges for Chinese multinational companies in South African telecommunications industry .

dc.contributor.authorChristopher, Pius Anton
dc.descriptionMBA Thesisen_ZA
dc.description.abstractThis report examines the role of Chinese multinationals in South African telecommunications industry and identifies opportunities and challenges for the Chinese multinationals in South African telecommunications industry. Although there is very limited literature on the role of Chinese multinationals in South African telecommunications industry, there is some literature on the role of Chinese multinationals globally and the opportunities and challenges for them. Apart from reviewing the published literature and in order to gain better understanding of the role of Chinese multinationals in South African telecommunications and the related opportunities and challenges for the Chinese multinationals, the qualitative research study focusses on two separate samples, one expert South Africans sample (fourteen interviewees) and one expert Chinese sample (four interviewees). The key findings of the report, the role of the Chinese multinationals, show that there are positive and negative aspects. Some of the aspects such as competitive pricing, lack of knowledge transfer are similar to trends identified in the published literature. There are also new findings such as high quality technology and total customer orientation. Furthermore, key findings of the report show that there are opportunities for Chinese multinationals such as good financial terms offered to customers, similar to trends identified in the published literature. There are also number of opportunities such as highly qualified Chinese personnel, which are new findings. In the case of challenges, key findings of the report show that there are number of them such as cultural differences between Chinese personnel and local personnel, similar to trends identified in the published literature. There are also number of challenges such as the perception of stranglehold and vendor locking on local telecommunications which are new findings. Despite the presence of negative aspects in the role of Chinese multinationals in the South African telecommunications industry, the overall conclusion of the study is that the role of Chinese multinationals in South African telecommunications industry is positive and there are numerous opportunities and challenges for them.en_ZA
dc.subjectInternational business enterprises,Telecommunication -- South Africa.en_ZA
dc.titleOpportunities and challenges for Chinese multinational companies in South African telecommunications industry .en_ZA

