Trust in the manager - subordinate relationship

dc.contributor.authorBlackburn, Debora Ann
dc.descriptionDegree allta.rded with distinction on l June 199;. A research report submitted to the Faculty of Business . Administrat!on, Unfvet'sity of the ~1fitweJtersrand,Johannesburg in partial ffJffffinent of the requirements for the degree of Master of Management. 1992en_ZA
dc.description.abstractTrust is considered by some managementE!:xperts to be a -":'1 'ii critical element· in organisational ;relat,iori!ships. This factor is especially important in South A~rica where organisational rela·tionships are often mistrust * There has ,.;~~~(ill~;lelirtytle empirical rese\t~=Chcord'ired ~~ this topic. /[lhe literature reviewed p1\\pposed'!th) flt the '0 'v. ? ~\\ managerial benaviours .and a;ttitudes that. b~.ild subdic~tinate II. ,!': \ __ _ _,', _\'" _ _ __ -. ·'~\.F ,.',.: t,rus.t are those that relate 't\') the. managers.' ownleyt~l"of •.•. I' ~\ integri ty. 'l'he~e was almost no l~t~~rature ~railable '\hat }\ • . l' Ii,. ~ examinedthe .behaviours and attitu:~e, tihat; destroy trl.l~~. .. II·· 1 Ii -. The aim of the st.udy , t}'lerefore, ~~s to develop guidelines for managex:sby explo:ring the element of trust in the :-~\~" ma,nager-subordinate relationship •. It endeavoured to ident.ify Which managerial behaviours and att.itudes build \'.. t:, ,_~.) and which ones destroy subordinate trttst. It also distingu.ished differences in ,the perception and experience of subordinate 'trust between four identified jc;-h grade levels and three Sites. The ::esearch was conducted within three diverse manUfacturing sites of one company. The dana,was collected by means of the NominalGroupTechnique, which elicited a .. \~ broad set:. of v\?-e,'lS f~om employees within ~, disciplined '\1\ \J :'_;,\~ '. \'~ ;; , ~\" -, n \' /. ,_," . ,\ \i r: \i The" +e'search ~in~.fl!gs differed significantly from the \ Hte),,,ture reV:L!"i.\ The ll\anageria~ "peha,fiours th"t b~Ud \ sUbor<:\inate tru~t ",,",'those t)¥l.tJJempower the ,subordinate to ~.\ develop a.nCt grow. as ,~fell .,as reduce their dependency upon;;,\ _~" lj ')' ' \~" , ,,'\, (j t toanagers. i' WhereasI \'the :manage:es'·OlM lack of personal \ ,~il1tegl;'ity destroys sU~!.)ordinatet:rust.. Thus, managemenil •r\'1\tYle .. 'has .more. 0impa,c.~•o~~ destroying S.Ubordina~e trust than I\W. has on bUilcling',;it\:e,n WaS i~"ntU~ed that, tp,st ·1 \P~.ildin9 and :trust d~S.'·.tr~.;_ behaViou~sf. are not. rJ..arised. \ ~\\. .' '5; " t\ ',".... '\. .> \ \ " f! \ .' '\ ' \ ~.\ '\1 ',' . \\ . •r. ..~.I'. \, '\., • ' , ;i A\"raralJ_<\l'. be~we"n trus~\ buHd!.ng \~d';oUv~tion was ,'i id\~~tified., in th~t both ~f~)rOaCheSqsat\;Lsfy suborclinates t " \1 ne~p:s.. Tru7t IN'as\~iscovel1e~ ,to )lave a r~\c;:iprocq;.l i'lspe,ct t'b 1/1 :Lt.'\ ~rti's" cit" b~ bllilt \!\,:.~OU,g-che:rtao~n.' bU. il.d.tng 'I' \,." \\ !\ " \\ ~': ", " !. ,:\ '\ P'i] J.p .••e. h~~:iours.l ho'(Vevet;"the~e ~.;•lrlaviou:cs Wi~~ ,~o:wbJ: ef:Ee¢.clve \" \\ . \ \: II ...• i " III Mt"'!l" tru$t i~,,\ al'\7,:aclYp,;"'ie~t in the r!l>lationsl)j,'_', . " JI c IThe scope (If th~~stttdy t'las J~~ploratO:CYtand 'as such II ,// opened up many areas for fur:ther research. ili. 11i\ structure~ , \) nas o c o " ;_,)en_ZA
dc.subject.lcshManagement--South Africa
dc.subject.lcshOrganizational behaviour--South Africa
dc.subject.lcshPsychology, Industrial--South Africa
dc.subject.lcshIndustrial relations--South Africa
dc.subject.lcshExecutive ability
dc.titleTrust in the manager - subordinate relationshipen_ZA


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