The Driekop community's perception of the impact of the Modikwa platinum mine.

dc.contributor.authorNkadimeng, Mahlwane James
dc.descriptionMBA Thesisen_ZA
dc.description.abstractVarious media houses have reported on conflicts between mines and the local communities. The source of conflict has everything to do with the contribution of the mines to the local communities, i.e. members were of the view that mining companies are not doing enough to develop their villages. Other than media reports, however, there are very few studies that explore local communities’ views on the impact of the mining companies on their doorsteps, particularly in mineral rich Limpopo Province. Therefore, the purpose of this qualitative research study was to find out how the community of Driekop perceives Modikwa Platinum Mine with reference to its economic, social and environmental impact. Driekop community, which is approximately five kilometres from Modikwa Platinum Mine, was used as a case study. Data was solely collected through face-to-face interviews. The interview participants were members of the community and included a Ward Councillor and the Community Development Officer of Modikwa Platinum Mine. The research has provided insightful knowledge with regard to community perceptions of the impact of Modikwa Platinum Mine. Findings suggest that the Driekop community views itself as having not benefitted from Modikwa Platinum Mine, be it economically or socially. The community indicated that it has not been offered sufficient employment and business opportunities; no community projects have been constructed or funded by the mine; the social order has been altered; and they are subjected to environmentally hazardous dust, particularly during windy seasons.en_ZA
dc.subjectperception, economic, social, and environmental impact.en_ZA
dc.titleThe Driekop community's perception of the impact of the Modikwa platinum mine.en_ZA