The Management of Disability in the workplace: a case study of the
Godden, Zini
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South Africa has made huge strides in the policy process arena, more specifically
policy that is directed at addressing the injustices of its Apartheid past. These
gains have been predominantly in respect of policy initiation and formulation,
evidenced in the number of white paper and policy guidelines throughout the
public sector. It is also no secret that many Public Service institutions have been
grappling with articulating these policies from statements of intent into viable
programmes and projects. Much of this relates to policy management,
particularly in respect of managing policy implementation.
The purpose of this exploratory study is to determine the extent to which the
policy imperatives for the employment of people with disabilities as stated in the
White Paper on an Integrated National Disability Strategy (1997) are reflected in
the workplace through management frameworks and practices.
A qualitative research methodology was used to assess the Management of
Disability using the Department of Land Affairs as an insight stimulating example
One of the main findings as reflected through the case of the Department of Land
Affairs, is that though the Public Service has made some progress in respect of
demystifying disability though awareness raising efforts, this has not sufficiently
filtered down to impact on effective cross-sectional management of disability. The
management of disability is largely confined to the disability desk and in the case
of Land Affairs, also the Disability Forum, while employees with disabilities are
employed across the department.
One of the main conclusions of this study is that policy implementation needs
effective political leadership, technical know-how, effective institutional and
human resource capacity, amongst others. In the example of the department of
Land Affairs this would include the need for the imperative of disability equity to
filter to directorates beyond the transformation directorate, to include directorates
such as human resource management, human resource development and legal
services that have significant interface with the disability management.
Disabilities, Disabilities in the workplace, Public service