The Significance of Physical Infrastructure in Economic Growth: Maputo Development Corridor

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Letsile, Lesego

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There has been an interest by government to invest in infrastructure in order to develop the country further and it assumes that this will increase economic growth. The Gauteng Department of Infrastructure and Development has aimed to increase infrastructure through the province in order to ensure that the foundations for growth are set. During the 2014 budget speech, the former Minister of Treasury announced that the government would be spending R143.8 billion on municipal infrastructure alone (Gauteng infrastructure, 2013). It is clear that the state recognises infrastructure as an important element of growth and through its investment national economic growth can be easily achieved. The research focuses on exploring the relationship between infrastructure and economic growth along the Maputo Development Corridor, it aims to look at the growth trends from 1996 to 2011 in order to understand the relationship in this context (Gauteng infrastructure, 2013). Through this investigation, the results will show the growth of local municipal economies compared to that of national trends in order to see the difference in growth (Gauteng infrastructure, 2013). The research will first analyse the literature on the relationship between infrastructure and economic growth, it will secondly investigate the MDC and finally analyse the statistical data that indicates growth within the chosen context.


Planning Honours Research Report, Wits University


infrastructure, economic growth, Maputo Development Corridor


Letsile, L (2014). The Significance of Physical Infrastructure in Economic Growth: Maputo Development Corridor, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg



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