Drivers Impacting Customer

dc.contributor.authorHolton, Wayne
dc.descriptionMBA - WBSen_US
dc.description.abstractSouth African businesses have been under pressure to generate revenue in the short term and deliver long term profitable growth for shareholders. The recent global economic slowdown has presented new business challenges for these organisations. Some of these challenges call for a clear focus on customer deliverables, understanding a customer’s specific needs and meeting those needs by differentiating from the competition. The purpose of this study was to conduct customer satisfaction research into South Africa’s engineering components market. A structured questionnaire was designed to determine customer demographics, the important drivers of customer satisfaction and the dependence of customer satisfaction on a strong interpersonal customer/supplier relationship. Thirty six respondents from various South African industrial companies completed the questionnaire. The data collected from these questionnaires was analysed using quantitative analytical tools. The research findings identified six meaningful drivers of customer satisfaction in South Africa’s engineering components market. Four of these six drivers found were also cited in the literature. The four drivers found were speed of delivery, product quality, product availability and the human element of service delivery. Two other drivers were found, being ethics and trust and product brand. It was found that customer satisfaction is not entirely dependent on a strong interpersonal relationship between the customer and supplier as cited in the literature.en_US
dc.subjectCustomer satisfactionen_US
dc.subjectEngineering consumablesen_US
dc.titleDrivers Impacting Customeren_US

