Dlanga, Avukile Zoxolo
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The main aim of this research was to determine the readiness of Media Advertising Information Communications Technologies Sector Education Training Authority (MICT SETA), a public sector institution established to develop skilled labour force in the media information communication and technologies industries, to build a functional Results Based Monitoring & Evaluation (RBM & E) system. The objective of the study was to determine factors that would impact on MICT SETA’s ability to develop and utilize an RBM & E system to support improved efficiency and effectiveness through better decision making as a result of utilization of information. The establishment of the RBM&E system in MICT-SETA would enhance the development of skills for the workforce in the five relevant sub-sector industries. The main intention of the study was, therefore, to identify the key factors likely to facilitate or militate against the development and building of the RBM & E system at MICT SETA; particularly determining the potential to identify a potential Champion/s for the establishment of RBM & E within the principal echelons within MICTSETA. The identification of real or potential champion is important as an internal advocacy mechanism that would support and facilitate higher buy-in of building a RBM system by MICT SETA management and stakeholders. In order to collect the relevant information on the readiness of MIC SETA to establish a functional RBM&E system, a qualitative research design approach was used to collect information from targeted key respondents using in-depth interviews and direct observations of management culture and operations. Key information was collected from Board members; Senior Executive Management and key staff within the various divisions in the organisation as well as the Managing Director and Skills Development Facilitator (SDF) in one of the MICT SETA constituency employers. The results from the analysis of the data collected in the study indicated that currently MICT SETA has several constraints to developing a functional RBM system given the existing policies, management culture and systems, operational structures, processes and procedures. The current management systems and operations would need to be transformed to enable the development and implementation of an RBM strategy in the organisation. A number of key factors were identified: the absence of RBM champion/s at higher levels of management; the lack of demand for evidence based data for planning, tracking of institutional performance, resource utilization, and activity monitoring. Furthermore, there are limited skills in the use and application of evidence data for planning and allocation of resources. There was no performance based management that demanded increased efficiency and effectiveness, transparency or accountability given that large sums of money are paid to a management consultancy for services that could be done internally. The development of an RBM system in MICT SETA would require a significant organisational transformation that would increase incentives and demands for use of RBM approaches among staff, management, stakeholders and beneficiaries. The process would require the development of RBM Champion within the policy management and the desire to strengthen transparency, efficiency and effectiveness in the management of the skilling programs in the sector. Based on the findings, it is concluded that management and policy makers at MICT SETA do not seem to realise or appreciate the need to develop and establish RBM&E system. The main challenge therefore would be to educate both management and staff on the effectiveness of RBM system in strengthening decision making and improving planning and resource tracking in management of skills development intervention. A complete buy-in will be required from both the Board and Management level as a requisite to building a RBM&E system at MICT SETA.
MM (P&DM) thesis
Monitoring and evaluation systems