Search for new physics in events with missing transverse energy and the Higgs boson decaying to two photons with the ATLAS detector at CERN
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Liao, Shell-may
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The discovery of the Higgs boson in 2012 by both the ATLAS and CMS experiments
at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN marked the beginning of a new age
in particle physics. As the last missing piece in the Standard Model (SM), the Higgs
boson plays a fundamental role in particle physics. Since its discovery, more emphasis has been
placed on attempts to further understand its properties, opening up a new realm of beyond the
Standard Model physics (BSM). A model was formulated based on various anomalies observed
by both ATLAS and CMS in Run 1 of data taking. The model introduces a heavy scalar particle
as well as an intermediate scalar, which can decay into both dark matter and SM particles.
Initially, we hypothesize the heavy scalar decaying to the Higgs boson and two dark matter
candidates (H!hÂÂ). A search is done in the diphoton channel and driven largely by missing
transverse energy (Emiss
T ) denoted h(!°°)ÅEmiss
T . No significant excess over the expected
background is observed in the dark matter search using data corresponding to an integrated
luminosity of 36.1 fb¡1. As a result, the search was then redirected towards other final states.
In November 2016, an excess was observed with a diphoton invariant mass around 248 GeV
associated with moderate Emiss
T . In view of this result, we looked at the direct decay of H into
°°, where H(!°°)ÅEmiss
T . We looked for and found the same excess in Run 1 data. With the
implementation of several Emiss
T suppression techniques, the diphoton resonance search was
performed using Run 2 data and extrapolated to the Z° final state. The analysis was redone
following the migration from ATLAS Release 20 to Release 21 and was also documented. For
the °° channel most of the excess is found around approximately 246 GeV with a maximum
local significance of 3 ¾ and a global significance of 2.5 ¾ (2015+2016+2017 data). In the Z°
channel, the excess is found around 252 GeV with a maximum local significance of 4.14 ¾ and
global of 3.41 ¾ (2015+2016+2017 data). This document also details the reconstruction and
performance of Emiss
T in these diphoton final state searches. The stability of the performance of
T is essential for all BSM searches at the LHC which adds a significant amount of value to
this documentation. In an effort to aid in the 2019-2020 ATLAS detector upgrade, a comparative
study was done to determine the most radiation hard brand of plastic scintillators in order to
replace the gap and Minimum Bias Trigger scintillators of the Tile Calorimeter. The scintillators
are exposed to harsh radiation environments within the detector, making them susceptible to
damage. After experimenting on various scintillator grades, the EJ 200 polyvinyl toluene based
scintillator was found to be the most suitable brand as it showed a fairly low decrease in light
transmission, and a substantial amount of annealing after irradiation for intermediate to small
A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy to the Faculty of Science, School of Physics, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2019