Jankelowitz, Lauren
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The study aimed to assess whether Nonprofit Organisations (NPOs) are
utilising any systems or techniques to manage and to evaluate their
programmes. The study further aimed to establish if there is a link between
organisations that are well managed and perceived as accountable and the
ability to generate long-term funding. Long-term funding prospects would
indicate that an NPO is sustainable into the future.
The study attempts to assess these issues from two angles; firstly, the
perceptions of the NPOs themselves, secondly, the perceptions of those
making and managing the funding grants. Personal interviews were conducted
and analysed qualitatively.
The proposition was that business models could be applied to NPOs to develop
a combination model that would allow NPOs to maintain their foci, but still
operate more effectively and efficiently.
The findings identified that many organisations perceived as accountable had
established management practices and were utilising relevant evaluation tools.
However, even those NPOs perceived as credible and effective, did not see
themselves as able to offer best practice advice to other NPOs. Furthermore,
both the NPO managers and the fund managers have very little knowledge and
understanding of business techniques and how these could be applied within
the NPO context to facilitate their work.
Further research to explore which business models, and how they could be
applied, needs to be undertaken
Non-profit organisations