Experiences of brain injured individuals post hospitalisation at Headway-Khomelela

Headway-Khomelela offers services to those individuals who have experienced traumatic brain injuries post hospitalisation. There was a need to add to the database of Headway about the experiences their clientele went through post hospitalisation. The primary aim of this research report was to understand the post hospitalisation experiences of those individuals who have a brain injury. This included their coping strategies which they had to learn in order to make life easier for themselves on a day to day basis and the employment challenges which they are experiencing. The theoretical lens which was used is the biopsychosocial model. The methodological framework for this qualitative investigation was an exploratory research design. Ten participants were selected by using purposive sampling from those individuals who receive services from Headway-Khomelela. The research instrument was used was an interview schedule and semi structured interviews was used to collect the data. The data was analysed via thematic analysis. This research report has a potential of adding information to the Headway-Khomelela database as the database currently has very limited experience regarding these clients’ experiences and difficulties in finding employment. It may also be of assistance to social workers with regard to understanding the challenges of the clientele of Headway-Khomelela post being hospitalised and perhaps aid interventions. The research study found that the participants valued the importance of rehabilitation and family role after the injury. This also included the physical challenges the participants experienced. The study was concluded that participants recommend rehabilitation as soon as a person is discharged from hospital and they should focus on recovery first. • Keywords: Headway, brain injury, family support, rehabilitation, therapists, home exercising, coping strategies, employment challenges.
The Deaprtment of Social Work School of Human and Community Development Faculty of Humanities University of the Witwatersrand In partial fulfilment of the requirements For the degree Bachelor of Social Work