Faculty of Humanities (ETDs)

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    Understanding the experiential intersections of violence, gender identities and mental health, in the accounts of male parolees, in Gauteng, South Africa
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023-03-15) Kallenbach, Jessica Jade; Bowman, Brett
    Imprisonment in South Africa has been categorized by untold hardships and suffering. Some of the major factors which influence life in correctional centres in South Africa, are embedded within violence, gender identities and mental health. These three constructs – violence, gender identities and mental health – appear embedded within the logic of the correctional centre regime. Thus, to understand the entirety of an offender’s experience during incarceration, it is necessary to investigate the intersections of violence, gender identities and mental health. This was achieved using a qualitative hermeneutic phenomenological approach to centre on the participants’ experiences. This research consisted of six semi-structured face-to-face interviews with male parolees at Zonderwater Correctional Community Centre. The interviews were based on a self-developed questions derived from research by Akhona (2014), Bantjes et al. (2017), Celinska and Sung (2014) and Gear and Ngubeni (2002). The interview questions were open-ended and focused on the participants’ subjective meanings, understandings and experiences regarding the dynamic intersection of violence, gender identities and mental health in South African correctional centres. The findings of this research revealed that the exposure to and involvement in violent acts are inextricably related to the fundamental deprivations that offenders are subjected to and the associated “pains of imprisonment”. This revelation demonstrated the negotiation of gender that takes place within these confines, making acts of sexual assault and violence deemed more acceptable. In navigating this system of violence and gender identity negotiations, the findings of this study illustrated the emotional and mental impact that this environment has on offenders. This highlighted the pertinent need for the Department of Correctional Centres (DCS) to address current gaps in the rehabilitation models they use. These gaps could account for the recidivism rate in South Africa. It is clear that the intersection of violence, gender identities and mental health play an influential role in determining the reported experiences of offenders. The study thus has the potential to contribute to policies, by illustrating that a multi-layered approach to rehabilitation is required.
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    Caregiver experiences of Attachment and Bonding Practices in Neonatal Intensive Care Units in Gauteng, South Africa
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2024) Prinsloo, Engela Maria; Neill, Joanne; Sawasawa, Cynthia
    Background: Infant attachment and bonding are crucial within the early post-natal period to ensure a secure and healthy relationship from which the infant can explore the world thereby allowing for the development of a variety of skills. Context and culture are known to influence attachment and bonding practices. Then considering the challenging Neonatal Intensive Care Unit environment it is crucial to explore how this environment might influence attachment and bonding with a specific focus on context and culture. Objectives: This study aimed to describe the experiences of caregivers regarding attachment and bonding practices in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in central Gauteng, South Africa. Methods: A qualitative design was used to explore caregiver experiences around attachment and bonding practices concerning context and culture in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. An advertisement was posted on online forums for caregivers in South Africa who have had infants admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Non-probability, purposive sampling and snowball sampling was used to collect data. Both in-person and remote semi-structured interviews took place and were used to collect data. Thematic analysis was used as data analysis. Results: The following themes and subthemes were identified; the act of mothering in the NICU (with subthemes loneliness and disempowerment of caregivers, the emotional roller coaster ride, and the need for psychological/emotional support), Culture in the NICU (with subthemes care in the NICU, the influence of culture and caring for a baby in the NICU, and limited information-giving practices in the NICU), and a Sense of missing out (with subthemes unexpected pre-term birth, feeling estranged, and the tension between society’s image and the reality of having a baby in the NICU). While context and culture influence attachment practices amongst caregivers, in the case of an infant being admitted to the NICU, these practices do not take precedence, but rather the health of the infant. Implications: Methodological recommendations include alternative sampling and data collection methods than online advertised snowball sampling that allow for a larger and more diverse sample size. Policy and practice recommendations for NICUs include improving accessibility to psychological support services and orientating information on the NICU for caregivers.
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    Understanding the dynamics that enable and constrain the implementation of learnership programmes as skills development interventions in South Africa: A descriptive analysis of learnership programmes funded by the Education Training And Development Practices –Sector Education Training Authority (ETDP Seta)
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023-09) Khubisa, Zanele Cynthia; Ramsarup, Presha
    The study aimed to understand the dynamics that enable and determine the implementation of Education, Training, and Development Practices Sector Education and Training Authority (ETDP SETA) funded learnerships (2017/18 and 2018/2019) as critical skills development interventions in South Africa. The qualitative analysis considered the viewpoints of learners, host employers, and ETDP SETA Officials. Several key enablers have been identified, namely workplace-based learning, effective mentoring and monitoring, and evaluation of learnerships. On the other hand, certain key constraints have also been identified including limited involvement of corporate employers, inadequate resourcing, lack of educational progression, and the delays in issuing of certificates. It is important to note that the latter two constraints directly affect the employability of beneficiaries. The study recommended that the ETDP SETA improve its efforts to cultivate a consistent understanding of the national skills development imperatives amongst its stakeholders; incentivise employers to enhance their participation in workplace-based training and enforce policies and legislation that promoted improved pathways and connections to the rest of the PSET system. The SETA should consider enforcing measures that promote the timely issuing of certificates.
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    A social realist perspective of academic advising in a South African higher education context: A study of practices and practitioners
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023-08) De Klerk, Danie; Dison, Laura
    The South African higher education sector has numerous challenges to contend with. Students' prospects of success are often vulnerable to uneven secondary schooling, structural and material constraints, massification of the sector, and a range of other factors. In this thesis, I argue that academic advising has the potential to help find responsive and sustainable solutions to address these challenges. Academic advising is well established in the global north. In contrast, it remains an emerging field of practice in South Africa, with a dearth of literature about how advising is developed and practiced within the country’s unique higher education context. This thesis aims to contribute to the limited knowledge base about advising as a practice and the work of academic advisors as practitioners in South Africa. The study provides a social realist perspective of the emergence of advising within a South African higher education context. It draws on Margaret Archer’s work on structure, culture, and agency, the morphogenetic approach, and the notion of stratified layers of social reality to analyse data, make inferences, and draw conclusions. This is a qualitative study that adopts a mixed methods approach. The research paradigm is phenomenological, while phenomenographic principles are used selectively to advance the objectives of the study. The data that informs the study consists of a quantitative baseline dataset and qualitative data collected through semi-structured interviews with 15 academic advisors working at the University of the Witwatersrand. As this is a PhD by publication, the thesis consists of four interconnected papers (i.e., chapters), bookended by introduction and conclusion chapters. The first paper provides insights about advising as gleaned from the baseline data, while the second draws on the same data to highlight the impact of students’ structural and material constraints on the work of academic advisors. Papers three and four use interview data to glean academic advisor insights about advising prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic, respectively. The thesis concludes by highlighting the transformative potential of academic advising for South African higher education yet cautions that a major shift in the way advising is perceived and practiced is required for its potential to be realised.
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    Exploring a culture of reading: A case study in an under-resourced South African primary school
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023-09) Biesman-Simons, Claire; Dixon, Kerryn
    South Africa faces an undeniable literacy crisis. Since 2000, there have been increasing calls for the creation of a culture of reading to address this crisis. This has been on the part of the South African government, academia and civil society. However, this has occurred without clear consensus on the term’s meaning and with little explanation of how a poorly-defined concept with its origins in the Global North would achieve this outcome. How this term has achieved such national prominence and the ways it affects school practices motivated this research. The first phase of the study investigated how the term “culture of reading” functions in national government education discourse, and its impact on the country’s reading landscape. This was followed by an ethnographic-style case study exploring the factors that shaped a culture of reading at a no-fee primary school, situated on the Cape Flats in Cape Town. Drawing on a review of more than 400 South African, African and global texts that reference “culture of reading”, this study provides a definition of a culture of reading that is appropriate for the African context, and central to the analysis of this study. To investigate how the term “culture of reading” functions in government discourse, I performed a textual analysis of a corpus of 58 publicly available texts produced by the South African government from 2000 to 2019. The analysis reveals an uncritical faith in a culture of reading as fundamental to improved reading levels despite there being no clarity on the term’s meaning or evidence of tangible outcomes in learners’ reading achievement. Bourdieu’s notion of doxa is drawn on to demonstrate how the government’s consistent return to an ill-defined Global Northern ideal is indicative of a misunderstanding of what reading is and can achieve, and of a need to further grapple with the complexities of South Africa’s reading landscape. Approaching reading from a socio-cultural perspective, the ethnographic-style case study investigates how habitus, capital and field (Bourdieu, 1990b) interact to shape school reading practices, and how the resulting culture of reading is reflected in one school’s reading practices. The case study shows the contextual realities and conditions in the field that affect the promotion of a culture of reading. Data was generated from interviews with 51 participants, classroom and schoolwide observations, photo elicitation, and document reviews which were subjected to a thematic analysis. Findings indicate that despite the evident value that staff and most learners attribute to reading and their positive dispositions towards reading (i.e. their habitus), the school’s culture of reading is undermined by external and internal forces. This is most notably with regard to inappropriate curriculum demands, a multilingual learner body restricted to learning in English, the impact of a community fraught with violence, as well as a dysfunctional culture of teaching and learning that has resulted in a divided staff body and poor discipline. Bourdieu’s attention to how no field exists in isolation is demonstrated by educators’ battles to promote reading in an education field that does not account sufficiently for social, cultural and economic contextual realities. Data generated in the Grade 5 classroom evidenced that agentive educators, equipped with the necessary cultural capital, can construct a sub-field that supports a culture of reading in spite of these constraints. However, this is precarious, and findings from the Grade 1 classroom demonstrated how overlapping fields and a dysfunctional culture of teaching and learning constrained an experienced educator, impacting on her wellbeing. The study highlights that there are many ways in which schools and educators can navigate and overcome institutional constraints that threaten South African learners’ reading development. The research highlights the need for closer alignment between government’s expectations of schools and their contextual realities, with educators’ professional and emotional wellbeing needing to be prioritised. Recommendations for research include further investigation into learners’ home and community language and literacy practices and how these practices can be built on at school.
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    Children Moving Across Borders: Equitable Access to Education for Undocumented Migrants in South Africa
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023-09) Blessed-Sayah, Sarah Enaan-Maseph; Griffiths, Dominic
    South Africa is experiencing an increase in intra-regional migration, and the management of migration in the country is increasingly becoming highly securitised. Individuals who move intra-regionally across borders include children –accompanied by parents or caretakers, unaccompanied, and those seeking refuge because of untenable and oppressive circumstances in their home country. Also, individuals who move to South Africa without legal documentation often give birth to children within the State, who are then undocumented. Without documentation, these children cannot access education, which means that achieving their educational right becomes impossible. This happens partly because of legal contradictions that exist in immigration and education policy frameworks. For instance, the Bill of Rights, as contained in Section 29(1)(a) of the Constitution of South Africa (The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa No. 108, 1996), states that everyone has the right to basic education, and further states in subsection 2 that the State (being South Africa) is obligated to respect this right. Additionally, the South African Schools Act 84 of 1996 (Republic of South Africa, 1996) states that public schools are obliged to admit children without any form of discrimination on any grounds. However, the Immigration Act No 13 of 2002 states that no ‘illegal foreigner’ should be allowed on the premises of any learning institution (Republic of South Africa The Presidency, 2002). Thus, the question remains whether undocumented migrant children are included in the ‘all’ or ‘every’ because of existing legal contradictions between the Constitution and the Immigration Policy. Furthermore, the need to consider how the educational right of undocumented migrant children is upheld comes from the evident nationalist view on migration in South Africa, which is projected through government, and in local communities. Although some studies have evaluated the extent to which this right is protected or ensured, and others have considered the barriers to exercising the right to education in South Africa, only a few specifically focus on the right of undocumented migrant children to equitable education, and strategies to ensure its fulfilment. Thus, an explanation of equitable access to education in South Africa entails developing an approach for understanding undocumented migrant children’s educational experience, because this approach would provide a platform to achieve workable ways to ensure the fulfilment of their right to basic education. This research explores the difficulties undocumented migrant children experience in relation to education. Given this, an explanation regarding access to education for undocumented migrant children, from an equity viewpoint in South Africa, is developed. Thus, this study had three major aims. Firstly, to develop an understanding of equity in relation to access to education. Secondly, to investigate the impact (problems) of migration on undocumented migrant children in relation to equitable access to education in South Africa. Thirdly, to develop strategies that can ensure that these undocumented migrant children have their right to basic education protected in South Africa. Using the capability approach combined with Unterhalter’s (2009) description of equity as a three-fold concept as the study’s conceptual framework, I argue that ensuring equitable access to education for undocumented migrant children in South Africa requires an integrated approach, which goes beyond top-down strategies and highlights the role of agency. Each finding under the study’s objectives serves as evidence that support my overall argument for an integrated approach. A qualitative research design, from an interpretivist phenomenological lens provided me with the opportunity to carefully interact and bring forward the contextualised lived experiences of undocumented migrant children. This brought about an in-depth description of equitable access to education for them. The study was conducted with an NGO working with undocumented migrant children in the eastern region of the Johannesburg area in the Gauteng province of South Africa. The criterion used for selecting participants was based on the fact that the Project staff members, children who attend the Project, and their parents understand the social environment in which the children reside. They were able to give detailed and in-depth explanations on the impact of migration on their access to education, in an equitable manner. Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) officials who deal with undocumented migrant children, and South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) staff who deal with education also understand the impact of migration on these children’s chance to equitably access education and were included in the study. A total of 45 participants who were conveniently selected, based on the inclusion criteria, made up the sample size. Nineteen undocumented migrant children (n=19), eleven parents of undocumented migrant children (n=11), and fifteen professionals participated in this study (n=15). I served as the primary tool for data collection while employing different qualitative methods, including individual semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions. The method of data analysis I used for this study included an inductive and deductive approach using the NVivo QSR 12 software. From this method of data analysis, I identified three key themes relating to the specific objectives of the study. Objective 1: I found that undocumented migrant children, their parents, and professionals who deal with this group of children perceive equity to mean ‘the opportunity to thrive’ and ‘fairness’. In addition, under the first objective, it was found that equitable access to education is closely linked to being able to attend schools. While the undocumented migrant children described this in terms of the right to attend school and learn educational skills, the parent and professional participants explained it as a fundamental human right which should not be constrained by one’s legal status in South Africa. Along this line, it was also revealed that equitable access to education is important for various reasons including access to other services; capabilities, functioning, and the platform to achieve other human rights; and the avoidance of social ills. In all, equitable access to education strongly supports the human dignity of undocumented migrant children. Objective 2: Under objective two, I found that the impact of migration to South Africa, as it concerns equitable access to education for undocumented migrant children, was negative. Various problems faced by these children were identified. Firstly, the overarching problem was the lack of documentation which affects the opportunity for undocumented migrant children to equitably access school. This lack of documentation includes the non-issuance of proper birth certificates and so, the non-registration of the births of these children; and the fear of going to renew or apply for permits at the South African Department of Home Affairs (DHA) because of fear of police arrest. Secondly, the problem of continued discrimination, and xenophobic attacks and attitudes was also experienced by undocumented migrant children and their parents. These attacks affected their chance to access education. Thirdly, the lack of access to basic services presented itself as a difficulty which affects the opportunity to access schools, in an equitable way. Fourth, policy gaps, including ambiguities and non-implementation of recent court judgments, also served as problems which affect access to education for these children. Lastly, Covid-19 and the effects of the pandemic further compounded already existing difficulties undocumented migrant children face concerning their equitable access to education. Objective 3: The study revealed that strategies to address the problems experienced by undocumented migrant children include government-level, community-level, and individual-level strategies, and a combined, planned approach (integrated approach). Under government-level strategies, it was found that undocumented migrant children need to be issued birth certificates with identification or registration numbers and so, be appropriately registered at birth. Existing policies about education and immigration also need to be revised, and recent court judgments like the Phakamisa Judgment must be implemented. Also, stakeholders must be trained to ensure the proper implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of policies and recent judgments on equitable access to education for undocumented migrant children. As part of community-level strategies more assistance from NGOs, who bridge educational gaps for undocumented migrant children, would be useful in ensuring undocumented migrant children get educated. Individually, promoting social cohesion between migrants and non-migrants was highlighted. Also, parents of the identified children were encouraged to acquire documentation for their children. However, these different levels, on their own, are not sufficient to ensure equitable access to education. Thus, this study advocates an integrated approach to addressing the problems experienced by undocumented migrant children and their parents, regarding their children’s equitable access to education. Supporting this, the professionals interviewed recommend that all levels of society need to work together, in an organised way, to achieve access to education for the identified group of children. Also, the role of the agency and a bottom-up approach to ensuring access to education in an equitable way were highlighted through the integrated approach. Based on the findings, I argue that the various strategies identified require an integrated approach (for thinking and doing), which includes recognising the agency (individually and collectively) of undocumented migrant children. This approach draws on both top-down and bottom-up approaches with the significant roles of policy implementation, monitoring, and evaluation as well as agency (in both individual and collective forms) highlighted. Important is that this integrated approach (for thinking and doing) will be based on a thorough knowledge of the context. The findings thus serve as supporting empirical evidence for the overall thesis which is that to ensure equitable access to education is achieved, equity must be explained in detail, as a multi-faceted notion, and combined with the capability approach, which allows us to identify and interrogate specific structural limitations.
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    Investigating the usefulness of careership theory for understanding career decision-making among Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) engineering students
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023-09) Mamogopodi, Lesley Thuso; Tshabalala, Themba; Ramsurap, Presha
    Most of the South African research on career guidance and career decision-making is focussed in the schooling sector and towards university pathways. There is little research with regards to career decision-making in the TVET sector except for the recent research of Maluleke (2022a) who investigated student views regarding what influences their career decisions. This current research study aimed at investigating the usefulness of careership theory for understanding career decisions among TVET engineering students at a selected TVET college in the Gauteng Province of South Africa. Since the theory informing the study was conceptualised and used to understand the UK TVET context, this study sought to test its affordances for understanding career decision-making in the South African TVET context. The study firstly determined the factors that affect career decision-making and secondly investigated the usefulness of careership theory in understanding those factors. Drawing on data from semi-structured interviews, the study firstly examined the factors that influenced career decisions among first and final year engineering students. Secondly, since the study was aimed at testing careership theory in the South African TVET context, the theory was used as a conceptual framework for analysing the data. The three aspects of the careership model of career decision-making that derive from careership theory were used to interrogate the data to firstly uncover the factors at play in the career decision-making process and secondly, to investigate whether those factors can be explained in light of careership theory. Significant others were not only found to influence career decision-making but they proved to wield power of influence over respondents. Career decision making among TVET engineering students showed to be characterised by turning points. Careership theory proved to be an ideal theory in explaining career decision making in a South African TVET context. The young people proved to have a sense of urgency in their career decision-making and most of them did not receive career guidance prior to enrolling at the TVET college.
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    An exploration of the Lived Mental Health Experiences of psychologists working in the public sector during the COVID-19 pandemic in South Africa
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Harvey, Zena; Laher, Sumaya
    The COVID-19 pandemic severely impacted mental health in South Africa, exacerbating the existing mental healthcare treatment gap. Psychologists working at public institutions have been at the forefront of providing mental health care to the public during the crisis. However, psychologists themselves may be considered a vulnerable group at risk of developing adverse mental health outcomes, such as depression, anxiety, burnout and vicarious traumatisation due to the nature of their profession. This vulnerability may have been further amplified during the COVID-19 pandemic. The well-being of psychologists is integral to ensuring high quality patient care and to the overall management of pandemic and other disease outbreaks. There remains a significant dearth in the available literature examining the lived mental health experiences of psychologists, especially those working in the public sector. This study aims to address this pertinent gap by investigating the lived mental health experiences of ten psychologists employed in South African public institutions, amidst COVID-19 pandemic. Semi-structured interviews comprising sixteen questions were conducted with each psychologist. The following five overarching themes emerged from an Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA): ‘The personal effects of COVID-19 on psychologists’, ‘Changes to therapy During COVID-19’, ‘Experiences of COVID-19 exposure in public hospitals’, ‘Coping Mechanisms’ and ‘Survivor Guilt: Privilege during the pandemic’. A discussion of the abovementioned findings highlighted the importance of addressing, prioritising and monitoring the psychological wellbeing of these public sector-psychologists, during pandemic and other disease outbreaks to increase their support structures.
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    What are the reasons behind the poor access of Covid-19 vaccines in Africa?
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023-09) Xaba, Lumkile Thobile; Moore, Candice
    Despite the pandemic and initiatives such as COVAX that were put in place for fair and equal distribution of vaccines, the African continent remains the least vaccinated continent in the world. Incorporating evidence from articles, journals and policies, this study demonstrates that the African continent had the least and poorest access to vaccines. This research paper aims to understand why Africa has received the least vaccines and is the least vaccinated continent. The paper looks at the availability of vaccines in Africa and the appropriate options available in healthcare settings to receive Covid-19 vaccines. Literature is used by various scholars to understand the reasons behind the poor access to vaccines which have resulted to low vaccine uptake in Africa. It aims to look at the various contributing factors to this phenomenon, “why has the African continent been the least vaccinated?” To respond to these issues, this study uses the theories of classical realism and institutional liberalism to discover why Africa was the least vaccinated continent. Data has been collected from March 2022 and subjected to discourse analysis to help further understand the reasons behind the poor access of vaccinations during Covid-19 in Africa. We find that there are both internal and external reasons behind the poor access in Africa and both national and international factors have contributed to poor vaccine access.
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    Classical Liberalism and the Distribution of Benefits and Burdens with respect to Health-Care
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023-08) Tsengiwe, Siyabulela Thomas; Allais, Lucy
    The South African government is proposing major health policy reforms, the National Health Insurance (NHI), in response to extreme inequalities in healthcare, where the middle and upper classes have access to quality healthcare in the private sector and the majority is subjected to poor healthcare in the public sector. The debate is fierce among South Africans as to what should be the appropriate healthcare policy for the country. Fundamentally, healthcare is an ethical issue of how benefits and burdens should be distributed in society and can better be understood through moral reflection. At the heart of this study is a critical review of one of the influential theories of justice, namely, classical liberalism that normally finds its expression in social and economic policies and in this case the focus is on healthcare. The question that this study seeks to answer is: can classical liberalism produce the right distribution of benefits and burdens with respect to healthcare? The suggestion of this study is that classical liberalism gives an inadequate account of how to distribute benefits and burdens with respect to healthcare. For more coherent accounts, the study proposes that we need to look in the direction of John Rawls and social equality. Government’s approach seems to borrow from elements of Rawls and social equality.