4. Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) - Faculties submissions
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Item Technological innovation, entrepreneurial orientation, and performance of micro, small, and medium enterprises in Ghana(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Abebrese, Rose; Dorson, ThomasTechnological innovation and entrepreneurial orientation are noted to be key ingredients for business success. Given that advanced economies enjoy the benefits of technological innovation and entrepreneurial orientation, emerging economies are rolling out programmes and projects to facilitate technological innovation and entrepreneurial orientation. However, empirical studies that bring forth the benefits of technological innovation and entrepreneurial orientation is scanty. With partial least square structural equation modelling, we explore the relationship between technological innovation, entrepreneurial orientation, and performance of MSMEs in Ghana. Specifically, the research examined the effect of technological innovation on entrepreneurial orientation in MSMEs in Ghana, assessed the effect of technological innovation on the performance of MSMEs in Ghana and analysed the combined effect of technological innovation and entrepreneurial orientation on the performance of MSMEs. Primary data was collected from using closed-ended structured questionnaire between the period of 31 March 2022 to 1 June 2022 and analysed with the Structural Equation Modelling based on Partial Least Squares. The analysis and discussion of the study utilized the Schumpeterian theory of innovation and the resource-based theory. The findings of this study confirm the positive and substantial influence of technological innovation and entrepreneurial orientation on performance, aligning with the foundational principles of resource-based theory, which highlights the pivotal role of resources in gaining competitive advantage. It is advised that managers of MSMEs instill organizational practices steeped in technological innovation and entrepreneurial orientation and anchored in knowledge. Additionally, these managers should foster an environment where innovative ideas and solutions from their employees are not only welcomed but encouraged. The study also underscores the significance of the policy recommendations derived from these resultsItem Sustainable Supply Chain Management and Firm Performance in Ghana: Examining the Mediating and Moderating Factors(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2022) Asante-Darko, Disraeli; Saruchera, FannyIn the wake of increasing environmental degradation and human rights violations and their effect on firm performance in Ghana and the rest of the world, sustainable supply chain management has increasingly become recognised as a critical component for business advancement and competitiveness. Subsequently, this study sought to investigate the role of Supply Chain Integration, Firm Capabilities, Business Environment Uncertainty, and Operational Competitiveness in the inextricable relationship between Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) and firm performance. Drawing on the political economy theory, an integration of institutional, legitimacy, and stakeholder theories, this study proposed and tested a model using the PLS variance-based structural equation modelling. The proposed model suggested that the relationship between sustainable supply chain management and firm performance, from a triple bottom line (TBL) perspective, is mediated by firm capabilities and supply chain integration and moderated by business environment uncertainty and operational competitiveness. Grounded in deductive reasoning and a probabilistic sampling technique, the study adopted a cross-sectional quantitative approach to evaluate the proposed model. Data was collected from the managers of 455 sample firms in Ghana's service and industrial sectors using a self-administered questionnaire. From a TBL perspective, the study revealed a direct, positive, and significant relationship between sustainable supply chain management and firm performance. Additionally, firm capabilities mediate the relationship between sustainable supply chain management and firm performance from a TBL standpoint. Supplier integration, a component of supply chain integration, was also found to mediate the relationship between economic and environmental supply chain management and firm performance but not the relationship between social supply chain management and firm performance. It further emerged that customer and internal integration mediate the relationship between sustainable supply chain management and firm performance. Finally, the study discovered that when business environment uncertainty and operational competitiveness are high, the positive direct effect of sustainable supply chain management on firm performance (from a TBL standpoint) is strengthened. The study's findings provide a plausible explanation for the disparate and often contradictory results reported on the direct sustainable supply chain management-firm performance relationship. The theoretical implication is that multiple variables and elements account for the SSCM-firm performance relationship. There is a need to adequately address these factors to realise the full benefits of sustainable supply chain management and firm relationships from a TBL perspective. SSCM practitioners and policymakers are advised to take cognisance of the role of supply chain integration, firm capabilities, business environment uncertainty, and operational competitiveness in their implementation and legislation of SSCM practicesItem Studies on Philanthropy and Impact Investment in Ghana(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2021) Osei, Dennis Boahene; Alagidede, Imhotep PaulAnecdotal evidence of practices and institutions has accumulated over the years through oral traditions and all over the psyche of the African. While giving to good causes is not new in the Ghanaian traditional system and culture, there is a general paucity of literature regarding recent developments on the topic. Studies regarding investments that simultaneously generate financial, as well as social and /or environmental returns, are equally lacking. Using Ghana as a case study, this thesis contributes to the literature on three thematic areas in accordance with identified gaps in the philanthropy and impact investment literature. Specifically, the thesis relies on quantitative (instrumental variable probit model) and qualitative (content analysis, multiple-case study) research techniques to examine the relationships, and determinants of formal and informal charitable giving; uncover the motives, priorities, strategies, opportunities, and challenges of corporate foundation giving; and explore the approach to impact investing. These are critical issues whose understanding is theoretical and western-oriented, lacking empirical attention in the emerging literature of African philanthropy and impact investment. Given this, the thesis produced three independent essays to address these salient gaps in the philanthropy and impact investment literature. Empirical findings evolving from these essays are instructive and generally present crucial insights on African philanthropy and impact investment which is relevant for policy and practice. The first essay examines the extrinsic (socio-demographic) and intrinsic (personality) determinants of both formal and informal charitable giving. In addition, it explores whether the relationship between different types of charitable giving –cash and in-kind donations as well as time donations (volunteering) – is substitutable or complementary. Our findings, based on survey data from 1,533 households and instrumental variable probit model revealed that while marital status, education, household size, religiosity, ethnicity, and empathic concern are important predictors of formal cash and in-kind giving, informal giving of cash and in-kind is driven by income, religiosity and empathic concern. On the other hand, it was evident that formal volunteering is mainly determined by income, household size, religiosity, and empathic concern, whereas gender and religiosity influence informal volunteering. We established that, in both spheres of formal and informal giving, the relationship between cash and in-kind giving and volunteering is complementary. Premised on these findings, we recommend non-profits and policymakers to recognise the complementary role and distinctive determinants of the spheres of giving in designing tools and policies to raise the levels and effectiveness of fundraising and volunteering campaigns. In the second essay, the practice of corporate philanthropy was explored through the lens of corporate foundations. Specifically, we investigate the motives, priority areas, strategies, opportunities, and challenges of corporate foundation giving. Based on qualitative content analysis, our findings revealed that corporate foundations are influenced by both altruistic and instrumental motives of giving, and that, their approach to giving prioritises multiple areas of national interest such as education, health, economic empowerment, environment/social amenities, and sports. We also found that corporate foundations rely on a combination of strategies (request, media-lead, adoption, and contest) to identify potential beneficiaries and implement their giving programmes. Further evidence indicates that giving of corporate foundations presents opportunities to both foundations (serve society, get partnership offers from other companies, and obtain goodwill from the public) and their parent companies (indirect business and advertising opportunities). However, corporate foundation giving is constrained by insufficient funding, lack of support from stakeholders, managing expectations of individuals, poor maintenance culture, and cultural rites. The findings have implications for practitioners as it presents insights which could serve as a model to guide new entrants into the corporate foundation landscape of developing economies. In addition, the findings could assist the development of government interventions necessary to foster greater corporate giving. The third essay applies a change in perspective to explore the approach to impact investing from a supply-side standpoint. This contrasts existing studies which are mostly theoretical and provide an understanding that is western-oriented and from a demand-side viewpoint. Using multiple-case study design and qualitative data from two Ghanaian organisations, we provide evidence of an impact investment approach characterised by concurrent motive of financial and social/environmental returns, longer time horizon, and engagement or provision of non-financial support. We conclude that this approach leverages the tools of venture capital to realise social or ecological purposes. The findings can potentially assist investors and entrepreneurs to make informed decisions and navigate the complexity surrounding the emerging impact investment environment in Ghana and economies of similar nature. Additionally, it can help in developing explicit policies to regulate the sector, increase its awareness, widens its appeal, and use to serve the intended purpose of addressing social and environmental problemsItem Implication of Regulated Cannabis Legalisation on Wellbeing and Economic Growth(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2022) Quarshie, Emmanuel; Alagidede, Imhotep PaulThis is a thesis on the cost benefit analysis of cannabis legalisation, public (mis)perception about cannabis usage and cannabis users, the medical application of cannabinoids and their commercial and industrial potential in the new global political economy. The study shows that, although there are misconceptions about cannabis, there is still much to unpack about its effects on human well-being. Drawing on both qualitative and quantitative cross-country dataset from Ghana and South Africa, the study employed a logit model to address the following questions: (a) What does society know about cannabis and its industrial and medical applications? (b) What is the evidence-based scientific claims of cannabis regarding human well-being? (c) What are the existing gaps between perception and knowledge? Among the contributions, this study clarifies the often-misunderstood position of cannabis in society and illuminates the blind side of the role of cannabis as an economic enabler in the post pandemic world. More importantly, while some schools of thought project cannabis as a gateway drug to the infernal realm, this study provides evidenced based on real-time practical experience from well- informed and educated users. The study provides a model for regulated cannabis legalisation, a proper guide on value-added supply chain mechanism, and guiding principles to ensure the model functions properly, based on lessons and best practices from countries that have legalized cannabis, such as the Netherlands, Canada, Lesotho, Malawi, Zambia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. This study further establishes empirical and theoretical foundations for the key thematic subjects of cannabis use, as well as a policy direction pertaining to its regulated legalisation, prohibition, or decriminalization in Ghana and South Africa. Given the disconnect between knowledge and perception about cannabis, the study recommended knowledge enhancement and adequate advocacy on the pros and cons of cannabis for society to enhance understanding of the benefits and its side effects to provide evidence-based guidance on the medical application and industrial potentialsItem Studies on philanthropy and impact investment in Ghana(2021) Osei, Dennis BoaheneAnecdotal evidence of practices and institutions has accumulated over the years through oral traditions and all over the psyche of the African. While giving to good causes is not new in the Ghanaian traditional system and culture, there is a general paucity of literature regarding recent developments on the topic. Studies regarding investments that simultaneously generate financial, as well as social and /or environmental returns, are equally lacking. Using Ghana as a case study, this thesis contributes to the literature on three thematic areas in accordance with identified gaps in the philanthropy and impact investment literature. Specifically, the thesis relies on quantitative (instrumental variable probit model) and qualitative (content analysis, multiple-case study) research techniques to examine the relationships, and determinants of formal and informal charitable giving; uncover the motives, priorities, strategies, opportunities, and challenges of corporate foundation giving; and explore the approach to impact investing. These are critical issues whose understanding is theoretical and western-oriented, lacking empirical attention in the emerging literature of African philanthropy and impact investment. Given this, the thesis produced three independent essays to address these salient gaps in the philanthropy and impact investment literature. Empirical findings evolving from these essays are instructive and generally present crucial insights on African philanthropy and impact investment which is relevant for policy and practice. The first essay examines the extrinsic (socio-demographic) and intrinsic (personality) determinants of both formal and informal charitable giving. In addition, it explores whether the relationship between different types of charitable giving –cash and in-kind donations as well as time donations (volunteering) – is substitutable or complementary. Our findings, based on survey data from 1,533 households and instrumental variable probit model revealed that while marital status, education, v household size, religiosity, ethnicity, and empathic concern are important predictors of formal cash and in-kind giving, informal giving of cash and in-kind is driven by income, religiosity and empathic concern. On the other hand, it was evident that formal volunteering is mainly determined by income, household size, religiosity, and empathic concern, whereas gender and religiosity influence informal volunteering. We established that, in both spheres of formal and informal giving, the relationship between cash and in-kind giving and volunteering is complementary. Premised on these findings, we recommend non-profits and policymakers to recognise the complementary role and distinctive determinants of the spheres of giving in designing tools and policies to raise the levels and effectiveness of fundraising and volunteering campaigns. In the second essay, the practice of corporate philanthropy was explored through the lens of corporate foundations. Specifically, we investigate the motives, priority areas, strategies, opportunities, and challenges of corporate foundation giving. Based on qualitative content analysis, our findings revealed that corporate foundations are influenced by both altruistic and instrumental motives of giving, and that, their approach to giving prioritises multiple areas of national interest such as education, health, economic empowerment, environment/social amenities, and sports. We also found that corporate foundations rely on a combination of strategies (request, media-lead, adoption, and contest) to identify potential beneficiaries and implement their giving programmes. Further evidence indicates that giving of corporate foundations presents opportunities to both foundations (serve society, get partnership offers from other companies, and obtain goodwill from the public) and their parent companies (indirect business and advertising opportunities). However, corporate foundation giving is constrained by insufficient funding, lack of support from stakeholders, managing expectations of individuals, poor maintenance culture, and cultural rites. The findings have implications for practitioners as it presents insights which could vi serve as a model to guide new entrants into the corporate foundation landscape of developing economies. In addition, the findings could assist the development of government interventions necessary to foster greater corporate giving. The third essay applies a change in perspective to explore the approach to impact investing from a supply-side standpoint. This contrasts existing studies which are mostly theoretical and provide an understanding that is western-oriented and from a demand-side viewpoint. Using multiple-case study design and qualitative data from two Ghanaian organisations, we provide evidence of an impact investment approach characterised by concurrent motive of financial and social/environmental returns, longer time horizon, and engagement or provision of non-financial support. We conclude that this approach leverages the tools of venture capital to realise social or ecological purposes. The findings can potentially assist investors and entrepreneurs to make informed decisions and navigate the complexity surrounding the emerging impact investment environment in Ghana and economies of similar nature. Additionally, it can help in developing explicit policies to regulate the sector, increase its awareness, widens its appeal, and use to serve the intended purpose of a