4. Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) - Faculties submissions

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    Exploring employee perceptions on the adoption of 4IR-driven job automation in the South African Food Manufacturing Industry
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Maphosa, Grant
    The Fourth Industrial Revolution (or 4IR in short) is characterised by the latest technologies that mostly serve as solutions for automating tasks. Examples include the internet of things, cloud computing, artificial intelligence with machine learning and robotic process automation. The food value chain is no exception to this automation. All processes involved in converting the raw agricultural produce into finished goods for sale and consumption are expected to eventually integrate the 4IR technological advances, which automate job functions. In the South African Food manufacturing industry, these traditionally manual tasks are performed by a high number of employees, many of which perform lower-occupational level manual functions. The study’s purpose was to explore the South African Food manufacturing industry’s employee’s perceptions of this 4IR phenomenon, with the technologies that will be possibly automating their job functions or overall employment. This is to intentionally address the main research problem of not knowing the employee’s views on the subject, in addition to not being able to track the policymakers and employers’ efforts in managing the transition to 4IR-adoption in the industry. The research study was conducted through interviewing 14 participants who are employed by the South African Food manufacturing industry. They were expected to share their perceptions by answering open-ended questions, and their responses were analysed qualitatively. Their responses were coded and grouped to themes, and findings led to recommendations such as accelerating the change management process to identify upskilling requirements sooner.
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    Community-orientated primary health care: Exploring the interface between community health workers, the healthcare system and communities in South Africa
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2024) Malatji, Hlologelo; Goudge, Jane; Griffiths, Frances
    Background: To achieve universal health coverage, low and middle income countries (LMICs) are extending primary health care (PHC) services using community health worker (CHW) programmes. However, CHWs are marginalized within the healthcare system. Community-orientated primary health care (COPC) and supportive supervision are two interventions being used to strengthen CHW programmes. Primary aim: To understand whether and how the COPC and supportive supervision approaches strengthen CHW programmes in South Africa. Methods: Data was collected between 2016 and 2019 using qualitative methods in nine PHC facilities in rural and semi-urban areas of Mpumalanga and Gauteng provinces, South Africa. Purposive and snowball sampling techniques were used to recruit participants. The participants included: CHWs, supervisors, facility staff members and community members. Data was collected using focus group discussions, individual interviews and observations, and was analysed thematically. Findings: In line with the COPC approach, there were efforts to engage communities in the implementation of the CHW programmes but community members prioritised other challenges such as lack of housing and running water. In some facilities, in-service training increased CHWs knowledge and skills but challenges such as lack of supervision, lack of resources and outsourced employment without benefits demotivated the CHWs (Paper 1 / Objective 1, Published). In response to challenges, in the semi-urban sites, CHWs unionised to present their grievances to government. This resulted in an increase in stipend but not permanent government employment. During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, when decision- makers recognised the essential role of CHWs higher remuneration was secured. CHWs in rural areas were not active in demanding permanent employment (Paper 2 / Objective 2, Published). Supportive supervision provided by a nurse mentor over 14 months, (1) trained CHWs and their supervisors resulting in increased knowledge and new skills, (2) addressed their fears of learning and failing and (3) established operational systems to address inefficiencies in CHW core activities (household registration and medication delivery). The intervention was disrupted by union activities. The communities’ demonstrated little interest in the functioning of CHW programmes (Paper/ Objective 3, Published). Conclusion: Both the COPC approach and supportive supervision can reduce marginalisation of CHW within the health system
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    The impact of digitalisation on the employment rate in the South African financial services industry
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Mokhabuki, Makoma Tiny; Lee, Gregory
    This study aims to determine the impact of digitalisation on the employment rate in South Africa, with specific reference to the financial services industry. Many revolutions have been seen globally, from the Paleolithic and Neolithic eras to Agricultural Revolutions and the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Industrial Revolutions. Technological changes and a significant movement in employment and unemployment have occurred with these revolutions. The study seeks to determine how technological advancements through digitalisation have impacted the employment rate in the South African financial services industry. A survey questionnaire was used to invite views from people employed in the financial services industry. The purpose of the survey was to determine perceptions regarding the introduction of technologies within the working environment and their impact on employee movements. The questionnaire also invited views on whether further introductions of technologies would create efficiencies and if this would impact their team sizes. An analysis was made using Qualtrics and SPSS on the data received. The findings indicate that introductions to technology’s impact on employment are complex as it depends on various variables such as the type of skills which the employees possess and those which are required by the employer. Firstly, introductions in technology can cause structural unemployment, which is, in essence, only temporary. The introduction of technology causes unemployment in those occupational levels whereby the work is repetitive and can therefore be automated. In contrast, introducing technology causes employment in jobs requiring cognitive and abstract thinking and, therefore, cannot be automated. Within the financial services industry in South Africa, it was found that more employees in skilled positions were retrenched or transferred due to technology introductions. However, this was reduced by increased recruitment in professional positions requiring more technical skills and cognitive thinking. It was concluded that the advancement of technology should not be rolled out at a pace that would lead to a net unemployment rate; however, it should be rolled out efficiently, resulting in more employment in cognitive tasks
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    Digitalization of banking services and financial inclusion in Botswana
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Mpowe, Emmanuel; Odei- Mensah, Jones
    The purpose of the study was to evaluate the level of digitalization of banking or financial services in Botswana. The study also sought to understand the association between digitalization and financial inclusion Furthermore, the research also studied the association of macro level determinants of financial inclusion such as GDP per capita and employment to adult population with financial inclusion. The study used secondary data collected mainly from the reserve bank of Botswana’s reports published on their website, Central Statistics Office and annual report of a selected commercial banks. Annual spending on ICT by commercial banks was used as a proxy for digitalization. The study used time series data from 2006 to 2020. Regression and correlation techniques were performed on the selected variables with financial inclusion as a dependent variable. The result from the analysis suggested that there is a significant positive association between ICT spend or digitalization of banking services and financial inclusion. This findings were in support of the hypothesis formulated from the existing literature which also suggested that digital financial services are more likely to increase the level of financial inclusion. The study also evaluated the impact of GDP and employment rate on financial inclusion. The findings suggested that both variables have a positive correlation with financial inclusion.
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    The impact of collective agreements on non-unionised employees in South Africa
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Matumane, Nkwane Danger; Marumoagae, M. C.
    Collective agreements are recorded results of the resolutions reached during a collective bargaining process. This dissertation illustrates that in South Africa, non- unionised employees are excluded from taking part in the formulation of collective agreements that affect them in their workplaces. Decisions that impact their employment are taken by participating unions, even though they did not provide those unions with their mandate or demands. This dissertation argues that their exclusion from the bargaining system may adversely impact their right to fair labour practices, including the right to their dignity. They may be retrenched without consultation where a collective agreement was concluded and extended to them. This would effectively limit their rights to engage in productive work or the right to choose their trade, occupation or profession freely guaranteed in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996. Given the importance of collective bargaining and the scope of issues discussed thereof, there is a case to be made to incorporate non-unionised employees in collective bargaining processes. Such incorporation would enable these employees to also play a role in determining their wages as well as terms and conditions of their employment, including other matters of mutual interest. Most importantly, this dissertation recommends ways in which these employees can play a role in major decisions relating to their employment, which are normally taken by employers and representative trade unions. The dissertation calls for policy or law reforms relating to the participation of non-unionised employees in collective bargaining processes. Their exclusion from collective bargaining processes, which usually considers service benefits that may not be provided by legislation such as medical aid and retirement funding coverage cannot be justified given the issues and challenges they face, including the impact collective agreements have on them. Non-unionised employees are bound by and usually have to adhere to collective agreements even though they were not involved in the collective bargaining processes. Although they have the right to fair labour practices and the right to freedom of association in terms of the Constitution, non-unionised employees do not have a say in the conclusion of collective agreements and in other processes, which have an impact on their lives and their terms and conditions of employment
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    The influence of automation on employment in the South African manufacturing industry
    (2021) Mathebula, Nkhensani Nancy
    Orientation: There are emerging uncertainties that automation causes job losses, especially in the manufacturing industry because it is a labour-intensive industry. Motivation of the study: The beverage manufacturing sector is essential because it contributes to the GDP of developing countries, as it is one of contributors of job creation. Purpose of the study: This study aims to identify the influence of automation on the South African beverage manufacturing industry, the objective is to investigate whether automation creates jobs, or it causes job losses. Methodology: This was a qualitative study, where seven semi-structured virtual interviews were conducted to collect data. Purposive sampling was used, the population for this study were employees who are working in the beverage manufacturing industry in Gauteng and Mpumalanga provinces, South Africa. Thematic analysis was used to analyse and interpret collected data. The key findings of the study: The results of this study shows that automation creates new jobs for skilled workers, however, the study revealed that low-skilled workers who do repetitive work are vulnerable to losing their jobs when automation is introduced in the beverage manufacturing industry. The findings of the study also show that, employers upskill and train low skilled workers and old aged workers as a retention plan to reduce job losses workers whenever automation is introduced in the industry .The results of this study show that automation increases production and revenue for beverage manufacturers. Practical and theoretical contribution: Automation should be embraced in the beverage manufacturing industry because it creates jobs, and it increases production and revenue for beverage manufacturing firms. Conclusion: Adoption of automation can be a threat to low skilled workers, although it is able to create new jobs for skilled workers in the industry. Automation enables the beverage manufacturing industry to grow revenue as a result of an increase in production. Recommendations: In accordance with the literature reviewed and the findings of this study, it is recommended that automation be embraced by the beverage manufacturing industry in South Africa since automation would lead to an increase in production and returns in revenue for the manufacturers. It is further recommended that employees in the manufacturing sector be less anxious or less worried about the adoption of automation because automation presents new opportunities to learn new things and it creates new jobs. Based on the findings of this study it is recommended that employers should continue to train and up skill workers whenever automation is introduced in the beverage manufacturing industry in order to preserve jobs across their human resource spectra and affect positively the South African unemployment statistics
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    The influence of automation on employment in the South African manufacturing industry
    (2021) Mathebula, Nkhesani
    Orientation: There are emerging uncertainties that automation causes job losses, especially in the manufacturing industry because it is a labour-intensive industry. Motivation of the study: The beverage manufacturing sector is essential because it contributes to the GDP of developing countries, as it is one of contributors of job creation. Purpose of the study: This study aims to identify the influence of automation on the South African beverage manufacturing industry, the objective is to investigate whether automation creates jobs, or it causes job losses. Methodology: This was a qualitative study, where seven semi-structured virtual interviews were conducted to collect data. Purposive sampling was used, the population for this study were employees who are working in the beverage manufacturing industry in Gauteng and Mpumalanga provinces, South Africa. Thematic analysis was used to analyse and interpret collected data. The key findings of the study: The results of this study shows that automation creates new jobs for skilled workers, however, the study revealed that low-skilled workers who do repetitive work are vulnerable to losing their jobs when automation is introduced in the beverage manufacturing industry. The findings of the study also show that, employers upskill and train low skilled workers and old aged workers as a retention plan to reduce job losses workers whenever automation is introduced in the industry .The results of this study show that automation increases production and revenue for beverage manufacturers. Practical and theoretical contribution: Automation should be embraced in the beverage manufacturing industry because it creates jobs, and it increases production and revenue for beverage manufacturing firms. Conclusion: Adoption of automation can be a threat to low skilled workers, although it is able to create new jobs for skilled workers in the industry. iii Automation enables the beverage manufacturing industry to grow revenue as a result of an increase in production. Recommendations: In accordance with the literature reviewed and the findings of this study, it is recommended that automation be embraced by the beverage manufacturing industry in South Africa since automation would lead to an increase in production and returns in revenue for the manufacturers. It is further recommended that employees in the manufacturing sector be less anxious or less worried about the adoption of automation because automation presents new opportunities to learn new things and it creates new jobs. Based on the findings of this study it is recommended that employers should continue to train and up skill workers whenever automation is introduced in the beverage manufacturing industry in order to preserve jobs across their human resource spectra and affect positively the South African unemployment statistics.
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    The influence of digitalisation on the changing nature of employment within the South African banking sector workforce
    (2020) Naidoo, Therusha
    Digitalisation, and the acceleration of technological innovations, is evolving at an unprecedented pace, and is resulting in the disruption of many industries across the world. The growing impact that digitalisation is having on existing skills and jobs is a cause for concern as this will potentially result in job displacement and a skills and talent shortage. This research aims to better comprehend the influence of digitalisation on employment within the South African banking sector workforce to ensure that banks are ready for this impact. This will enable banks to act by designing and implementing informed plans of action for their employees as they drive towards a greater degree of digitalisation in their businesses, minimise potential job losses, and create new jobs. This research therefore seeks to investigate and understand the following research questions: • How has digitalisation affected employment in the financial services sector, specifically banking? • How has digitalisation changed the nature of jobs in banking? • What type of new jobs have been created as a result of digitalisation? • What can banks do differently when digitising as it relates to employees? To answer these research questions, a qualitative research methodology was applied with a single case study being utilised. The case study was conducted on one of the big five major banks in South Africa on which the study was conducted. The primary data was collected via semi-structured interviews with 15 respondents (executives and senior managers) who have experience in the organisation and/or exposure to how digitalisation has influenced the changing nature of employment across the various levels of employment within the banking sector. The key findings of this research are that: • Digitalisation has resulted in a decrease in the demand for routine, mundane, clerical, and administrative jobs, and an increase in the demand for highlyskilled and more service jobs that need to be fulfilled by individuals who are highly-skilled. • The three key drivers that have impacted the changing nature of jobs in banking as a result of digitalisation have been identified as: o Prudent and robust cost management, improving business efficiencies, and growing revenues and profits. o The clients’ influence on the changing nature of employment in banks. o The growing importance of the role of data in a bank’s digitalisation journey. • The new jobs that have been created as a result of digitalisation have been identified. • The key focus areas for banks as they digitise have been identified as: o Change management. o The need to upskill, re-skill, and/or re-purpose employees so that they remain relevant as new skill sets and expertise are required, and to ensure the future readiness of employees as digitalisation becomes more embedded in the organisation. o Increasing support by banks for growing entrepreneurs through the creation of an entrepreneur ecosystem. This research recommends that in order for banks to manage the impact of digitalisation on banking, they need to: • Identify jobs at risk of no longer existing, and implement ways to re-skill, upskill, and/or re-purpose individuals in these jobs so that they can be transitioned into highly-skilled jobs or jobs that are becoming more in demand as a result of digitalisation. • Upskill, re-skill and/or re-purpose employees to ensure that they have the skills to cope in the digital world. This can be done through a variety of initiatives such as learnerships, academies, mentorships, and partnering with Fintechs. • Establish entrepreneurship support systems to decrease the dependency on formal employment.
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    Application of South African VAT on e-commerce transactions
    (2017) Xaba, Nduduzo Justified
    The present study sought to investigate self-selection among internal and international migrants in Gauteng by making use of the Gauteng City Region Quality of Life Survey data. The present study also sought to disentangle the effects of observed and unobserved characteristics in the self-selection of migrants by conducting Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition on overall employment and self-employment outcome variables. Preliminary descriptive statistics indicated that international migrants experienced markedly higher levels of employment than both locals and internal migrants driven by higher rates of informal and self-employment. System GMM analysis of pseudo panel data confirmed these results and showed that international migrants had a higher probability of employment and self-employment. Oaxaca Blinder decomposition indicated that unobserved characteristics explained the greatest share of the differences in the rates employment and self-employment of locals, internal migrants and international migrants. These results provide evidence for the positive selection of international migrants to Gauteng on unobservable characteristics relevant to the region’s labour market. Key Words Self-Selection; Migration; Self-Employment; Employment