4. Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) - Faculties submissions

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    Effects of political-administrative interface on service delivery in the City of Johannesburg under the coalition government
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2024) Mathonsi, Mandla; Setlhalogile, Matlala
    Abstract The present investigation carries immense significance as it delves into the examination of the influence of the interface between politics and administration on the provision of services within the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality. The selection of the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality in Gauteng as a case study is determined by its recent political instability. In recent years, the municipality has grappled with an unstable coalition government characterised by frequent changes in political leadership and a decline in the delivery of services. The primary objective of this investigation is to examine the effect of the political- administrative interface on the delivery of services in the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality. The study aims to emphasize the fact that the distinction between politics and administration has the ability to significantly affect the delivery of services. As part of this inquiry, the researcher utilised a qualitative methodology to examine the efficacy of the political-administrative interface's impact on service delivery. The introductory section of this inquiry served to present a general view of the investigation subject. In chapter two, the researcher conducted a comprehensive literature review, entailing scrutiny of pre-existing information and knowledge pertaining to the political- administrative interface within local government. The third chapter centred on research methodology and design. Section four was primarily focused on the gathering and processing of information. Moving forward, the fifth chapter presented the research's findings. Finally, chapter six of this inquiry offered a summary of the findings, conclusions, and recommendations. The researcher employed purposive sampling and developed a semi-structured interview questionnaire for the study, which involves 20 respondents comprising of councillors and municipality officials. The results of the investigation demonstrate that the intersection of politics and administration presents a significant obstacle in the context of the City of Johannesburg. Additionally, the researcher ascertained that the political-administrative dichotomy has an adverse impact on service delivery. Notably, the researcher identified a legislative framework that governs the relationship between councillors and administrators. However, both municipality officials and councillors exhibit a total disregard for the framework. It is imperative to establish a continuous education program that would enable both administrators and councillors to separate politics from administration. Additionally, frameworks for coalition must be established to facilitate a stable government capable of fulfilling its service delivery mandate
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    The effectiveness of the Neighbourhood Development Partnership Grant: A City of Johannesburg Case Study
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2024) Kondile, Bulelwa
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    A Geospatial Approach to Mapping Jacaranda Tree Distribution in Johannesburg, South Africa
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023-11) Reddy, Rohini Chelsea; Fitchett, Jennifer
    Accurate mapping of the spatial distribution of invasive species is vital for the implementation of effective monitoring and management strategies. In countries where resources are scarce and costly, citizen science provides a cost-effective and accurate alternative for large-scale data collection. Citizen’s familiarity with their environment contributes to aspects such as accurate identification of features on the landscape. Advances in a geographic information system (GIS) together with open-sourced photography from Google Street View, provide accurate methods for in-field and remote validation of citizen science data for invasive mapping and assists with the creation and compilation of maps to visualize the spatial distribution of invasive plants upon the landscape. In this study, the first spatial distribution maps for invasive tree species, Jacaranda mimosofolia (common name: Jacaranda), are created for the City of Johannesburg (CoJ). Jacaranda trees are well-known by citizens in the CoJ for their district purple flowers which blanket the landscape during springtime. A combination approach using citizen science, GIS, and Google Street View for data collection, analysis, and creation of the first spatial distribution map of exact location and prevalence of Jacaranda trees within certain suburbs of the CoJ, is produced. A total of 8,931 ground-truthing geopoints together with extensive Google Street View validation for Jacaranda tree presence, formed the basis of accurate spatial distribution maps. The first research question of this study focused on the spatial distribution of Jacaranda trees in the CoJ and was answered as a total of 54 suburbs were confirmed as having a large presence of Jacaranda trees in the CoJ. Citizen science data collected a total of 488 geotags for possible Jacaranda tree presence in the CoJ, over a 75-day online survey collection period. Although citizen science data provided a lower spatial resolution compared to successful fieldwork and Google Street View approaches, citizen science data provided very high accuracy for the identification and geolocation of Jacaranda tree presence in the CoJ which answers the second research question based on the effectiveness of the geospatial approach towards citizen science, ground-truthing and Google Street View as data collection methods. Since the accuracy of citizen science resulted in 66% of collected geotags within the categories of ‘very high’, ‘high’ and ‘moderate’ accuracy ranges of between <7-24m from a confirmed Jacaranda tree, together with the accuracy of 8,931 in-field collected geolocation of Jacaranda trees and Google Street View’s accuracy and capability of collecting street view imagery – it is concluded that the combined approach of ground-truthing, citizen science and Google Street View contribute not only to effective data collection, but also towards the successful mapping of Jacaranda tree presence in the CoJ.
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    Operational Efficiencies on Roads Infrastructure Development within the City of Johannesburg
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Mdubeki, Yonela; Oba, Pius
    South Africa faces economic uncertainty due to deteriorating infrastructure and a historical backlog in its management, especially in the City of Johannesburg (COJ), where there is immense pressure to provide and deliver sustainable roads that are safe and efficient. This study explores the operational efficiencies and inefficiencies within the infrastructure management sector, focusing on roads and related services. It aims to identify and address the challenges hindering COJ's ability to deliver efficient and safe road infrastructure. In the pursuit of addressing the primary research objective, which sought to gain insights into the attainable operational efficiencies in road infrastructure management, a qualitative research methodology was adopted, including a qualitative analysis where interviews were conducted with knowledgeable and experienced respondents. Three key research questions were posed: How do you measure operational efficiencies in relation to roads infrastructure? How does the application and the types of technology improve efficiency in roads infrastructure lifecycle management? How would strategic sourcing help COJ improve efficiency and sustainability? From the interview data, common patterns were identified and translated into themes to derive answers to the research questions. The study's findings revealed that various interconnected elements contribute to COJ's operational inefficiencies in road infrastructure development. Efficiency in road infrastructure is defined by its ability to transport goods and commuters safely and swiftly. Furthermore, technology adoption improves road infrastructure management, while strategic sourcing, utilising existing assets, can enhance efficiency and address maintenance challenges while alleviating budget constraints. To fully leverage technology and operational efficiencies, the study concludes with a recommendation for COJ to initiate a strategic review, aligning all resources, including supply chain management, strategic assets, and employee skills, with the organisation's goals of providing more efficient roads. Continuous improvement in personnel skillsets and strategic objectives will be crucial for achieving this transformation.
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    Public Private Partnerships for Municipal Waste Management in the City of Johannesburg
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Madiba, Dineo
    Municipal solid waste management is increasingly becoming a burden while population growth, urbanisation and economic growth have overwhelmed the municipalities capacity to deliver waste services. In response municipalities are increasingly implementing public private partnerships to meet the growing demand for waste services. This qualitative study was conducted in the City of Johannesburg and focuses on investigating the challenges of public private partnerships for the delivery of waste services more specifically the study will focus on the Separation at Source program. Thirteen interviews were conducted involving participants from Pikitup, co-operatives, private companies, and an NGO. Interview guides were developed and interview questions were informed by the theoretical framework and themes identified in the literature review. Other sources of information consulted included legislative frameworks as well as Pikitup’s business plan. The results of this study indicate several challenges in the partnership model used to implement the Separation at Source program and the challenges can be summarised as institutional, financial, operational, and technical all of which are preconditions necessary to make partnerships work. It was also observed that stakeholder consultation and participation was inadequate leading to a lack of buy-in from key stakeholders
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    Exploring primary healthcare services for informal workers: a case of South African women informal/ street traders in the City of Johannesburg Region F
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023-03) Dube, Duduzile Ellen; Niekerk, Robert Van.
    In all humility and gratitude, I am overwhelmed to acknowledge my depth of gratitude to all those who have assisted me in putting this idea, well over the degree of simplicity and into something concrete. I would like to convey my sincere appreciation and gratitude to my esteemed supervisor Professor Robert Van. Niekerk for his invaluable supervision, tutelage, support, and patience in this challenging and interesting research journey from start to finish. Oh, what a journey of discovery Prof. Thank you to the defence panel committee who generously provided knowledge, expertise and most importantly an endorsement to fulfil my research project. My sincere appreciation to the research participants, this project would not have been possible without, izandla zedlula ikhanda. Ngiyabonga kakhulu boMama!!! I also appreciate my cohort colleagues for the late-night feedback sessions and moral support especially Phello, Max and Basil, many thanks’ gents. Thanks, should also go to my lovely CoJ siblings (Nstako, Millicent, Busi and Chester aka my research assistants) for your selflessness during the data collection phase of my research journey. Additionally, a heartfelt thanks to my CoJ principals/ colleagues for your unwavering support and encouragement there is just too many to mention. Thank you for believing in me even at times when all doubt filled my mind, I will remember you for a very long time. A special acknowledgement to Ms Tembeka Mhlekwa former Executive Director, Department of Economic Development (CoJ) for an important and unprovoked talk in 2018 that has led me to this moment, I am forever grateful. I wish to acknowledge the help provided by Mr Elliot Dubasi in putting together the unit of investigation arguably the most important activity in this project. Ngiyabonga!!!
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    Barriers to the effective implementation of the performance management system in the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2022) Bham-Azam, Najma; Chikane, Rekgotsofetse
    The goal of this research paper was to pinpoint the barriers preventing the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality from successfully implementing the performance management system. The data acquired from the semi-structured interviews with 5 important performance management stakeholders from the City of Johannesburg underwent a themed content analysis. A deeper understanding of the challenges resulted from the themes and shared characteristics found among all responders. This led to the creation of a list of prioritised barriers that the performance management stakeholders considered were to blame for the City of Johannesburg's performance management system's ineffective implementation. The research findings indicate that “inaccurate measures” is the barrier preventing the City from effectively implementing its performance management system. The second and third most significant barriers are "lack of executive and leadership support" and "lack of rewards. The findings on the Balanced-Scorecard tied to the problems that were uncovered under the “inaccurate measures” barriers. The main takeaway from this research study is that line managers must actively participate in the implementation of the performance management system at the City of Johannesburg and increase their efforts to reduce the obstacles that prevent the successful implementation of the performance management system at the City of Johannesburg
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    Entrepreneurial orientation of the City of Johannesburg
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2019) Malakoane, Jones
    The notion of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) is important because it contributes to the fundamental apprehension of entrepreneurship. Increasingly, attention is being paid by scholars and policy makers to the concept of entrepreneurial ecosystems (EE) as incubators of innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship. Though the concept is still in its embryonic phase, well performing entrepreneurial ecosystems such as the Silicon Valley in California are the envy of many governments striving for economic success, through promotion of entrepreneurship. The primary objective of this study was to explore the relationship between the perceived entrepreneurial orientation of the City of Johannesburg Department of Economic Development (CoJ-DeD) and the perceived City of Johannesburg’s (CoJ) local EE performance. EO of an organisation, for the purpose of this study, is reflected in the organisation’s innovativeness, proactiveness and risk-taking abilities while EE was measured by the three variables, opportunity exploitation (OE), opportunity recognition (OR) and entrepreneurial activity (EA). The data relating to the perceived city’s EE performance was from 109 usable questionnaires collected from a target sample size of 150, the sample’s population was comprised of nascent entrepreneurs, early start-up and established business owners in the CoJ. The data concerning perceived EO of CoJ-DeD officials was from 46 usable questionnaires, this sample was collected from a population of 50 CoJ-DeD officials, comprised of middle and senior managers. The measuring instruments construct validity was evaluated by means of Cronbach alpha coefficients and principal component exploratory factor analysis. The Welch’s t-test was utilized to assess the study’s conceptual framework model. The results showed that EO of the CoJ-DeD officials is defined by proactiveness, innovativeness and risk-taking and the city’s local EE perceived performance is defined only by opportunity exploitation and opportunity recognition. The results also showed a positive relationship between innovation and opportunity recognition, proactiveness and opportunity recognition and between risk-taking and opportunity recognition. It is vi recommended that entrepreneurship becomes the dominant strategic thinking in the CoJ to help unlock opportunities and new sources of value, services and innovation.
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    Thermal conversion of waste-to-energy by incineration in Johannesburg
    (2022) Sithole, Nkumbulo Edwin
    The City of Johannesburg's population growth and economic activity have resulted in increased amounts of generated municipal solid waste (MSW); concerns developed about landfill airspace depletion. Environmental concerns subsist as a landfilling activity often create greenhouse gases, air pollution and water contamination, therefore, contributing to climate change. Conversely, the City requires electricity to keep its economic activity functional, while providing its citizens with electricity. This case study examined the opportunities and impediments of waste-to-energy (WtE) implementation in the City of Johannesburg. Focus was on thermal conversion by mass-burn incineration, identifying the function of decision-making frameworks in supporting the integrated solid waste management leading to development and WtE implementation. The study established that WtE will stimulate the circular economy in the City of Johannesburg, therefore, contributing to environmental preservation, waste minimisation, and additional electricity capacity for the City. To align with the legislated decision framework, the waste hierarchy, the WtE facility should incorporate the material recovery facility (MRF). The waste hierarchy and other legislated processes, such as the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) and the public-private partnership (PPP) Framework, are inadequate to support WtE development. The research recommendsdeveloping a local government-based decision-making framework by the City of Johannesburg—service delivery focused; this would complement existing legislation. A multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) model is suggested. Theincrease in grid tariffs, cost-reflective gate fees, and introducing landfill tax could contribute to the commercial viability of WtE. The identified barriers are a lack of education and awareness, and improper stakeholder engagement with WtE. Findings indicate a lack of expedited legislation processes tailor-made for projects, such as WtE and five-year political terms, hampering service delivery plans. Findings also identified access to waste by independent power producers (IPPs) and the City of Johannesburg’s financial viability as barriers. These should be focusedon to realise WtE implementation.
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    Thermal conversion of waste-to-energy by incineration in Johannesburg
    (2022) Sithole, Nkumbulo
    The City of Johannesburg's population growth and economic activity have resulted in increased amounts of generated municipal solid waste (MSW); concerns developed about landfill airspace depletion. Environmental concerns subsist as a landfilling activity often create greenhouse gases, air pollution and water contamination, therefore, contributing to climate change. Conversely, the City requires electricity to keep its economic activity functional, while providing its citizens with electricity. This case study examined the opportunities and impediments of waste-to-energy (WtE) implementation in the City of Johannesburg. Focus was on thermal conversion by mass-burn incineration, identifying the function of decision-making frameworks in supporting the integrated solid waste management leading to development and WtE implementation. The study established that WtE will stimulate the circular economy in the City of Johannesburg, therefore, contributing to environmental preservation, waste minimisation, and additional electricity capacity for the City. To align with the legislated decision framework, the waste hierarchy, the WtE facility should incorporate the material recovery facility (MRF). The waste hierarchy and other legislated processes, such as the Municipal Finance Management Act (MFMA) and the public-private partnership (PPP) Framework, are inadequate to support WtE development. The research recommends developing a local government-based decision-making framework by the City of Johannesburg—service delivery focused; this would complement existing legislation. A multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) model is suggested. The increase in grid tariffs, cost-reflective gate fees, and introducing landfill tax could contribute to the commercial viability of WtE. The identified barriers are a lack of education and awareness, and improper stakeholder engagement with WtE. Findings indicate a lack of expedited legislation processes tailor-made for projects, such as WtE and five-year political terms, hampering service delivery plans. Findings also identified access to waste by independent power producers Thermal conversion of waste-to-energy by incineration in Johannesburg iii (IPPs) and the City of Johannesburg’s financial viability as barriers. These should be focused on to realise WtE implementation.