4. Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) - Faculties submissions

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    The development of a competency-based programme for management of disease outbreaks
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2024) Engelbrecht, Linette
    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop, a competency-based programme for the management of disease outbreaks. Method: The study utilized an exploratory sequential mixed method approach, using both qualitative and quantitative methods to develop a competency-based program. This study was conducted in South Africa, Gauteng, whilst the country was experiencing the third COVID-19 wave (May 2021 – October 2021), the fourth COVID-19 wave (December 2021– April 2022), and the fifth (May 2022 – July 2022), as well as the post-pandemic phase. The study was conducted in three phases namely: Phase One: Exploratory phase, Phase Two- Development of the programme Phase Three- Validation of the programme. In phase one, a scoping review on the existing literature was conducted using the Joanna Briggs Institute methodological approach. Following this were individual in-depth interviews with purposively sampled healthcare professionals as well as professional nurses. Through reflexive thematic analysis themes were identified for inclusion in the Delphi-survey in the next phase. For the second phase, a Delphi-survey was developed based on the data from phase one. The Delphi-survey consisted of two rounds whereby categories were identified to be included in the competency-based curriculum. A curriculum, consisting of ten modules was developed using the Backward design. In phase three the curriculum matrix was validated by experts. Results: A total of 62 publications were included in this study. Three categories and eight sub-categories were identified as needs of nurses during disease outbreaks. In-depth interviews with healthcare professionals resulted in the development of eight themes and 21 sub themes (challenges) of nurses. The in-depth interviews with nurses resulted in the development of 11 themes (challenges) of nurses. The results of the scoping review and in- depth interviews were used to develop a Delphi-survey. Experts in this two-round Delphi survey validated the domains and statements. The results of the Delphi-survey was used to develop a curriculum matrix consisting of ten modules, which was validated by three experts. Conclusion: A competency- based curriculum was developed based on the challenges nurses experienced working through the COVID-19 pandemic. This program could contribute to the development of disease outbreak competent nurses
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    Exploring the benefits of Social Entrepreneurship in Gauteng, South Africa
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2021) Azeeemah, Shiraz Ahmed Mahomed; Hlologelo, Malatji
    South Africa, like other Africa countries, is experiencing high rates of unemployment and poverty. In response, the government has introduced various economic and social assistance programmes to uplift marginalised communities and poor people. However, assistance by government is often not sufficient to address all socio-economic issues. As a result, the private sector, through businesses, is undertaking various social projects to help the government meet the needs of poor people. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the practice of social entrepreneurship, in particular how it is practiced, and how it contributes to addressing societal problems such as poverty. The study was in nature a qualitative research study, and employed a case study design. Through the purposive sampling technique, 16 individuals were sampled, drawn from companies that have interests in or that practice social entrepreneurship in the South African context. The data was collected through online one-on-one interviews, while the data was analysed using a thematic analysis method. The study found that social entrepreneurship is a tool for sustainable development, and that it does have an impact in helping decrease poverty, create employment and assist communities. However, several challenges, such as funding, lack of resources and government support, and absence of policy direction are obstacles facing the social entrepreneur on a daily basis. Some of the recommendations are that a central hub is established, for all stakeholders to engage in dialogue, which may lead to policy development that will assist the social entrepreneur, and for learning from other, more experienced social entrepreneurs
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    Exploring inclusive Practices, Successes and Challenges experienced by teachers in Implementation of Inclusive Education in one selected mainstream school in Ekurhuleni North district, South Africa
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023-08) Mamogobo, Amogelang Mankurwane; Aloka, Peter
    The realization of inclusive education in South African schools has been controversial. Despite numerous policies enacted, numerous studies have found low levels of implementation of inclusive education in schools. The study aimed to explore inclusive practices, successes, and challenges of inclusive education implementation in the selected mainstream school. In order to explore the study, three research questions were addressed, which inclusive practices are being implemented by teachers in the selected school? What are the successes of inclusive education implementation in mainstream primary schools in Gauteng? What are the challenges affecting the implementation of inclusive education in mainstream primary schools in Gauteng? Both the inclusive pedagogical method and the social model of disability approach served as the theoretical foundation for the current investigation. The present study was conducted using a qualitative research methodology with a case study as the chosen research design within an interpretivist research paradigm. The researcher used a non-probability sampling technique more specifically the purposive sampling approach, in which the researcher used their own judgment to sample the research participants. In relation to the data collection methods. The researcher used non-participant observations and semi- structured interviews to gather data. Interviews with just six individuals and one classroom observation were conducted. The study's conclusions reaffirmed the importance of inclusivity; there were many inclusive practices that were widely used in the study; and the school had achieved a number of successes, such as the purchase of infrastructure and the successful implementation of intervention programs to improve the learning experience of students who faced barriers. The challenges in the present study were vast and categorized into three sub-sections: teacher-related, school-related, and community-related challenges. The study's findings indicate that there have been major efforts to integrate inclusive policies, some of which have been successful, but that there are still many difficulties in schools. The report suggests that the Department of Education give priority to in-service teachers' initial and ongoing training in inclusive practices for a range of learner disabilities.
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    Assessing the Retrofitting of Office Buildings in the City of Johannesburg, South Africa
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Katumba, Bamoni Nathalie; Hildebrandt, Diane
    Climate change caused by greenhouse gasses (GHG) has become a challenge to the world and South Africa (SA) alike. SA emits 450 million tons per annum (TPA) of carbon dioxide (CO2) and is the 12th largest CO2 emitter in the world. Buildings account for 50% of GHG, globally; therefore, energy use in new and existing buildings must be addressed. Retrofitting existing buildings has been identified as one of the ways to achieve sustainability in the built environment, this is done by enhancing energy efficiency (EE), the environmental performance of the property and lowering energy demand. This study, therefore, examined the challenges, benefits and critical success factors (CSF) for retrofitting offices in the City of Johannesburg (CoJ), SA. The data for this study were obtained from built environment professionals with experience in retrofitting existing office buildings. An online questionnaire was issued to the targeted sample using Google Forms and 71 responses were received. The quantitative data were analysed using the t-test function from the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software. This study uncovered that lack of government incentives; budget constraints; longer payback periods; technical challenges and disruption of and inconvenience to the tenant during retrofitting are the top five challenges hindering retrofitting of existing office buildings. The study also identified improved EE; enhanced marketability of the buildings; improved building climate control; reduced energy consumption and reduced operational cost of buildings as the top five benefits of retrofitting existing office buildings. Furthermore, project cost control; communication; efficient planning and regulatory approvals between the municipality and project manager; project schedule management and competency of the project manager were revealed as the top five CSF that influence retrofitting of existing office buildings. Recommendations include engagements between various stakeholders; cost benefits analysis; CSF at the beginning of retrofitting projects; changes in government regulations and policies to incentivise retrofitting projects; tenants’ inputs throughout projects, public and private sectors collaboration; availability of retrofitting information and inclusion of sustainability in the built environment tertiary curriculum
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    Challenges and Opportunities for Innovation in the South African Mining Industry
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Ntlhoiseng, Tshepo Mmeko Phistos; Murimbika
    Rising costs, diminishing ore grades, labour conflicts, and low-profit margins are all problems facing South Africa's mining industry. Along with external factors, such as global pressures, domestic factors have hindered the mining industry's economic recovery, leading to the loss of jobs, the closure of mines and the departure of certain international mining corporations. Throughout the country's history, the mining industry in South Africa has been recognised as a critical driver of economic development and job creation. The need to innovate for increased productivity is especially pressing in this sector, as it continues to be a significant source of employment in South Africa. The study set out to look into the challenges and opportunities for innovation in the South African mining sector. Exploratory, qualitative research was chosen to learn about the mining industry and its innovation potential. This study aimed to examine the gold and platinum mining industry specifically. Eleven interviews with top mining industry executives were undertaken. Thematic analysis was used to delve deeper into the industry's challenges and opportunities for innovation. The study revealed that organisational issues such as change management, stakeholder engagement, and the availability of finances, among others, hinder innovation. External elements, such as mining regulations, inhibit or enable innovations in the mining sector. Moreover, there are four areas where operational efficiency can be enhanced. According to the findings of this research, energy, transportation, big data, communication, and explosives have been highlighted as areas where innovation opportunities exist. Change management and stakeholder involvement were also identified as crucial areas requiring new solutions for effective operations to foster innovation.
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    Exploring Challenges Faced by Women in Executive Leadership in the Non-Profit Sector in South Africa
    (niversity of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Nsibande, Nondumiso; Alovokpinhou, Sedjro
    Women continue to face challenges in executive leadership positions within non-profit organisations in South Africa which negatively affects their performance. Limited progress has been made on women’s representation in decision-making in the last few years, however, those who make it to these positions tend to vacate them because of obstacles that exist while holding these positions. This study used a phenomenological qualitative research design to explore the experiences of women in senior management positions in the non-profit sector. The study used in-depth interviews to collect qualitative data from 20 participants: 16 women leaders, and four men leaders in the non-profit sector. Feminist theory was used to understand the different challenges and discriminations faced by women in senior management based on race, gender, and other forms of stereotype. The study found that the main challenges faced by participants which affected their ability to thrive in their role as leaders in the organisations was the reinforcement of patriarchal ideologies, including gender norms in the workplace, lack of resources, lack of mentorship and investment in leadership training, gender wage inequality, discrimination based on the intersections between race and gender, and a lack of a family work-life balance. Participants also identified factors that could contribute to sustaining women in leadership positions such as positive organisational culture, and being intentional in challenging toxic gender norms and overall gender inequality; promoting work-life balance policies; investing in mentorship and networking opportunities, networking and leadership training
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    Large-scale agile transformations: experiences in the South African banking industry
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Wayi, Khuselwa Asanda; Godspower-Akpomiemie, Euphemia
    The aim of this qualitative research study is to capture and derive meaning from the lived experiences of leaders implementing large-scale agile transformations in the SA banking industry. The study conducted was based on three research objectives, namely: 1) To explore the process of implementing large-scale agile transformations in the SA banking industry; 2) To explore the challenges of implementing large-scale agile transformations; and 3) To explore the success factors of implementing large- scale agile transformations. Through the purposive sampling technique, 11 semi-structured one-on-one interviews were conducted with senior managers, department heads, functional heads and divisional executives steering business and technology areas within the SA banks. At the time of the interviews, each participant had been exposed to the agile transformation journey of at least one of the top 4 banks. Some participants also had agile experience in other sectors such as management consulting, telecoms, retail, technology start-ups, the health sector, and the broader financial services industry. The study found that the agile transformation journeys of the top 4 SA banks were well underway and earning the incumbents some benefit in the form of a reduction in the time taken to land technical solutions, as well as improvements in customer experience. The study confirmed that many of the challenges and success factors of large-scale agile transformations previously documented in literature continue to be prevalent in, and relevant to the SA banking industry. In addition to these, the study found that the prioritisation of technical delivery over innovation was an emerging challenge in the industry. This was further highlighted by participants emphasising the need to ensure a much firmer relationship between the banks’ strategic intent and the technical delivery achieved through agile – the study found this to be a critical success factor in implementing large-scale agile transformations. While progress is being made, much more remains to be done for the SA banks to realise the full potential of their agile transformations. It is recommended that the incumbents shift their focus from speed through agile, towards greater prioritisation of innovation that solves for the less tangible needs of their customers
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    A Digital Capability Framework for Academic Continuity amongst South African Higher Education Students
    (University of the Witswatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023) Makgopela, Reitumetse Ogorogile; Mayayise, Thembekile
    E-learning has been designated as a solution to academic continuity as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has resulted in the closure of institutions such as Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). The use of e- learning by Higher Education (HE) students in developing countries have been extensively studied; however, studies on e-learning use, more specifically effective use for academic continuity in the context of unprecedented circumstances such as natural disasters and pandemics remain scarce. Understanding the effective use of e- learning during such times is a vital step in enabling South African HE students to attain their educational achievements. The definition of e-learning used in this paper was consistent with the one provided by Rosenberg (2001) who refers to e-learning as a learning platform accessed by students and instructors, specifically via the internet. The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the effective use of e-learning during unprecedented circumstances to conceptualise a digital capability framework for academic continuity amongst South African HE students. This was an interpretivist study which employed qualitative methods consisting of semi-structured interviews for data collection and thematic analysis for data analysis of the data extracted from 12 students, both undergraduate and postgraduate, registered in any South African HE who used e-learning as the primary method for education where traditional face-to-face classroom learning was not available. The conceptual research framework presented in this paper was an adaptation of Sen’s Capability Approach and expands on personal, social and environmental conversion factors by introducing a fourth category extracted from the results from the systematic literature review findings referred to as “technological conversion factors”; which brought a new and exciting contribution to the theory itself. Finally, the outcome of the study was a conceptualised digital capability framework for academic continuity amongst South African HE students in the context of similar circumstances, which can be used to describe how students can use e-learning effectively in terms of resources, e-learning systems, information delivered and location. It further detailed the enablers and hinderances to the effective use thereof. The framework can also be used in practice by HEIs, students, policy makers, e-learning vendors, and developers as a checklist of key elements which need to be considered in e- learning strategies, programmes and development.
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    Challenges faced by professional accountants in maintaining their professional competency requirements
    (2021) Mashile, Relebogile
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the challenges encountered by professional accountants in maintaining their professional competency requirements as provided by IES 7. The investigation was motivated by identified gaps in academic research on Continuing Professional Development of professional accountants and the implementation of IES 7 in a South African context. A survey study of 121 respondents was conducted which highlights the attitudes and perceptions of professional accountants on the effectiveness of CPD practices in South Africa and the extent to which CPD contributes towards maintaining the competence of professional accountants. The survey study further draws attention to major challenges encountered by professional accountants in their pursuit of fulfilling CPD requirements. This research finds that professional accountants in South Africa perceive CPD practices and the implementation of IES 7 provisions positively. The quality of CPD practices was perceived to influence the competency and development of professional accountants. Predominantly, existing CPD regulations were appropriate for meeting competency requirements of professional accountants in South Africa except for negative responses received towards CPD participation being a mandatory condition for membership in their respective professional bodies. Major challenges encountered in meeting CPD requirements were the cost, time and location constraints. The value of this research contributes to the body of knowledge on CPD for professional accountants, lifelong learning, the implementation of IES 7and in the establishment of challenges in the implementation of CPD in South Africa