4. Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs) - Faculties submissions
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Item 4IR skills readiness in the South African warehousing sector(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2024) Mukhwa, Lavhelesani Michael; Ndlela, ThubelihleThis exploratory qualitative study aimed to understand the 4IR Skills Readiness in the SouthAfrican warehouse sector. The study sought insights and experiences from industry stakeholders,explored the impact of 4IR on skills, understood the then-current skills landscape in relation to4IR in South Africa, and reviewed existing 4IR skills development programs from government,educational institutions, and the private sector. Addressing three research questions on the SouthAfrican warehousing sector's 4IR readiness from a skills perspective, the study investigated theimpact of 4IR from a role evolution standpoint, specific skills and knowledge required foreffective 4IR technology adoption, and the necessary 4IR training programs and initiatives forupskilling and re-skilling. Employing a qualitative research approach and adopting theInterpretivism research paradigm, the study engaged key stakeholders in the South Africanwarehousing sector, utilizing purposive sampling to select participants based on their roles,expertise, and experience. Interviews served as the primary data collection tool, allowing theresearcher to explore participants' viewpoints, experiences, beliefs, and motivations.The study findings offered a contextual understanding of the multifaceted impact of the 4IR onskills evolution within the warehousing sector at that time. The results underscored the need forcollaborative efforts among stakeholders, educational institutions, and government bodies,emphasizing the importance of strategic planning, education programs, and skills development tonavigate the challenges and leverage positive outcomes in the sector. In conclusion, the studyaddressed three pivotal research questions, providing nuanced insights into 4IR skills readinessin the South African warehousing sector as of the study period. It highlighted the importance ofstrategic workforce planning, upskilling, and reskilling initiatives to adapt to the dynamicchanges introduced by 4IR. A noteworthy recommendation emanating from this exploratorystudy was the proposal for a new theoretical framework - The Technology Skills DevelopmentFramework for the South African warehousing sector. This framework emphasized the need foraccessible 4IR programs, collaborative partnerships, and a revamped education system, offeringa tailored roadmap to navigate the complexities of the 4IR in the sector. The study contributedvaluable insights and recommendations, paving the way for further research and actionablestrategies in navigating the evolving landscape of 4IR in the warehousing sector