Wits School of Education (ETDs)

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    Investigating teachers’ experiences of support for learners with hearing impairment at a special school in Pretoria
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023-10) Molala, Lesetja Johannes; Mokala, Ntsoaki T.
    This inquiry explored teachers' experiences of support for learners with hearing impairment (HI) in a special school in Pretoria. Through a qualitative approach, data were collected and analysed to better understand teachers' experiences in providing appropriate instruction and support to learners with HI. Thus, using the interpretivism paradigm to inquire about the teachers support experiences for learners with HI was a logical step. I used Florian’s' theory of inclusive pedagogy to interpret the findings and draw conclusions I used qualitative methods such as interviews to collect data. A purposeful selection of participants was made to ensure the research questions were answered adequately. Thereafter, semi-structured interviews were conducted to understand each participant's perspectives in the study sample of six teachers. The interview schedule was designed to allow reflection by participants into their unique teaching experiences openly and candidly, providing invaluable insight into the dynamics of the study sample. All conversations were recorded verbatim to ensure accuracy. The recordings of the conversations were then transcribed for further analysis. This enabled me to easily recognise patterns and themes in the data. I then analysed the data to identify key themes and patterns. The findings revealed that teachers found the support they received instrumental in helping them effectively implement the curriculum and address classroom challenges. The study suggests that parents are actively involved in their children’s education which benefits all involved. In addition, the school must update its language policy to ensure that learners with HI receive instruction in sign language. Therefore, it is recommended that the school revise its language policy to incorporate sign language as a language of teaching and learning to promote learner success. To create an inclusive and equitable learning environment for all and ensure that learners with HI are supported, this policy should also be extended to include sign language in the classroom.
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    Adolescents’ identity development through literature: A study of pedagogy and canon in the Grade 11 English FAL poetry classroom
    (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023-10) Mavhiza, Grace; Nkealah, Naomi
    The aim of this study was to analyse the effect of pedagogy and canon on adolescents’ identity development in the Grade 11 English First Additional Language (FAL) poetry classroom. Despite the well-documented benefits of poetry (Femer, 2003; Pushpa & Savaedi, 2014; Antika, 2017), this study identified the problem that poetry is not realising its potential as a subject in the schools in relation to the identity development of adolescents. The school is a place where adolescents spend much of their time and there are many factors which shape adolescents’ identities within the school context. This qualitative study focused on pedagogy and canon among these many factors. The study was designed as a dual case study and set up within the interpretivism paradigm which allowed different interpretations of the data about the effect of pedagogy and canon on adolescents’ development. The complexity of the study meant a dual focused theoretical framework. Thus, the study used a combination of the theories of identity development by Erik Erikson (1963; 1968) and critical pedagogy by Paulo Freire (1970). Purposive sampling was used to identify the cases for this study. The two schools selected happen to be within Ekurhuleni District. In one school the teacher applied traditional pedagogy while in the other school the teacher employed the modern pedagogy which included multimodality, multiliteracies and new literacies. Qualitative data was collected using three tools, namely, participant observation, questionnaire, and reflective journals. Descriptive and thematic analyses of data were conducted, and the results show that there are limitations and affordances of both the traditional and modern pedagogies. In relation to the impact of the poetry pedagogy and canon on adolescents’ identity development in the Grade 11 English FAL poetry classroom, key findings reveal that traditional pedagogy takes away adolescents’ opportunities to explore their personal identities. In addition, the modern pedagogy is preferable among the Grade 11 English FAL poetry adolescents who participated in this study. The study concluded that the current Grade 11 English FAL poetry canon is alienated from the lives of adolescents who participated in this research. Learners yearn for new poetry which speaks to their daily experiences.