Poetry from an Indigenous Perspective

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://wiredspace.wits.ac.za/handle/10539/30461

Francine Simon Public Presence and Online Links Author of THUNGACHI (uHlanga 2017) & SHARK (uHlanga 2019)

Ja. Edition 2020 Ja. Edition 20

Reviews and Interviews

uHlanga Press Thungachi: uHlanga Press Thungachi

uHlanga Press Shark: uHlanga Press Shark

Thungachi Book Review:

Previous interview published online:uHlanga Press Thungachi

08 Mar ‘There’s no single meaning’: Poet Francine Simon speaks about her debut collection, ‘Thungachi’: Interview with Gabriella Pinto

Digitally Published Poems 2020

Ja. Magazine: Poetry-two-poems


The Poetry Foundation: Francine Simon

Ja. Magazine: Poetry

Ja. Magazine: Poetry

The Poetry Foundation: Francine Simon

Kalahari Review: Francine Simon


Ja. Magazine: Poetry


Ja. Magazine: Poetry

Kalahari Review: Francine Simon

The Johannesburg Review of Books: Francine Simon


Type/Cast: Francine Simon

Social Media Handles

Instagram: @francinesimon13

Twitter: @WriterGirlRose


Data Sharing: Terms of Use and Restrictions The following is a list of conditions given to the researcher as per agreement with the participant (stated on the participant consent form), and as per agreement between the researcher and the Wits Ethics Committee. The ethics application form and clearance certificate thereof, is attached. • Confidential sections of the interview to be edited out and deleted. Submitted data files are final and do not contain confidential material. • Photographs taken at the discretion of the participant on the days of the interviews. Use of the photographs in the dissertation is permitted, although they were not used. • The interviewee/participant, Francine Simon, reserves the right to request the transcripts, audio files and photographs at any point during or after the research. The final transcripts and photographs were emailed to Simon prior to the final ETD submission, and no objections were raised. • Excerpts of the interview transcripts are used in the dissertation, however, due to length and relevance, the majority of the transcripts were not used. The Wits Ethics Committee permits the researcher to use any part of the original transcribed material for future academic publications, and need not be limited to the excerpts used in the dissertation only. • The following individuals are allowed access to the aforementioned data files, as per the Wits Ethics Committee: Arushani Govender (the researcher), Francine Simon (the participant), Prof. Denise Newfield and Associate Prof. Barbara Boswell (supervisors), and the relevant examination committee. Presently the ethical clearance certificate granted does not cover data access permissions for any other member. • In order for access to be granted to the NRF or any other individual, a new consent form must be drawn up stipulating new terms of use, and is to be signed by the participant and submitted to the Ethics Committee. O


Search Results

Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Thumbnail Image
    The problem of audience: a study of Durban worker poetry.
    (1993) Kromberg, Steve
    This dissertation shows how both poets and their audiences have played a central role in the emergence of Durban Worker poetry. A review of critical responses to worker poetry concludes that insufficient attention has been paid to questions of audience. Performances of worker poetry are analysed, highlighting the conventions used by the audience when participating in and evaluating the poetry, Social, political and literary factors which have influenced the audience of worker poetry are explored, as are the factors which led to the emergence of worker poetry. In discussing the influence of the Zulu izibongo (praise poetry) on worker poetry, particular attention is paid to formal and performative qualities. The waye in Which worker poetry has been utilised by both poets and audience as a powerful intellectual resource are debated. Finally, the implications of publishing worker poetry via the media of print, audio-cassettes and video-Cassettes are discussed.
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    Aesthetics and resistance: aspects of Mongane Wally Serote's poetry.
    (1990) Frielick, Frielick Stanley
    The literature produced by writers who align themselves with national liberation and resistance movements presents a serious challenge to dominant standards of literary . aesthetics. Resistance writing aims to break down the assumed division between art and politics. and in this view literature becomes an arena of conflict and struggle. This dissertation examines certain aspects of the poetry of Mongane Wally Serote in order to explore the relationship between aesthetics and resistance in his writing. Over the last two decades, Serote has made a significant contribution to the development of South African literature, and his work has important implications for literary criticism in South Africa. Chapter 1 looks at some of these implications by discussing the concept of resistance literature and the main issues arising from the debates and polemics surrounding the work of Serote and other black political writers. Perhaps the most important here is the need to construct a critical approach to South African resistance literature that can come to terms with both its aesthetic qualities and political effects. This kind of approach would in some way attempt to integrate the seemingly incompatible critical practices of idealism and materialism. Accordingly, Chapter 2 is a materialist approach to aspects of Serote's early poetry. The critical model used is a simplified version of the interpretive schema set out by Fredric Jameson in The Political Unconscious. This model enables a discussion of the poetry in relation to ideology, and also suggests ways of examining the discursive strategies and symbolic processes in this particular phase of Serote's development. Serote's later work is 'characterised by the attempt to create a unifying mythology of resistance. Chapter 3 thus looks at Serote's long poems from an idealist perspective that is based on the principles of myth-criticism, As this is a complex area, this chapter merely sketches the main features of Serote' s use of myth as a form of resistance, and then suggests further avenues of exploration along these lines. The dissertation concludes by pointing towards some of the implications of recent political developments in South Africa for Serote and other resistance writers.
Grant Information: The National Research Foundation (NRF), through grant-holder linked student support, funded this research. The grant falls within the NRF Indigenous Knowledge Systems funding instruments. • Grant Number: 105159 • Grant-holder Project Title: “Reconceptualising Poetry Education for South African Classrooms through infusing Indigenous Poetry Texts and Practices.” • Project Commencement Date: January 2017 • Principle Investigator: Prof. Denise Newfield. Email: newfield@iafrica.com Coordinator of the South African Poetry Project (ZAPP). • Application Institution: University of the Witwatersrand • ZAPP Website is currently under construction. A URL will be provided once it is launched.