1984. March. Theme: [Mathematics and language]
Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://wiredspace.wits.ac.za/handle/10539/17927
Item [Review of the article ‘Teaching revision: A model of the drafting process’, by Roland Huff](Johannesburg College of Education, 1984-03) Pendlebury, Shirley AnnItem Some thoughts on children’s use of language in mathematics(Johannesburg College of Education, 1984-03) Morrow, MargaretItem [Review of the article ‘Bilingualism and mathematical training in English as a second language’, by Lloyd Dawe](Johannesburg College of Education, 1984-03) Pendlebury, Shirley AnnItem [Review of the book Language and mathematics: A collection of articles . . .](Johannesburg College of Education, 1984-03) Groen, MaryItem Front matter: cover of issue; verso of cover; editorial(1984-03) Editorial StaffItem The language factor in teaching mathematics(Johannesburg College of Education, 1984-03) Kambule, T.W. (Wilkinson “Wilkie” Thamsanqa).Item Misconceptions about the symbols of mathematics(Johannesburg College of Education, 1984-03) Christie, C.Item Language aspects of mathematics(Johannesburg College of Education, 1984-03) Glencross, M.J.Item In the field: [The plans for 1984 of the Language and Learning across the Curriculum Project (LLAC)](Johannesburg College of Education, 1984-03) Gluckman, HoneyItem End matter: Notes on the contributors; contents page(1984-03) Editorial StaffItem [Review of the article ‘ERIC/RCS report: Help for reluctant writers’, by Anne Auten](Johannesburg College of Education, 1984-03) Cohen, Sue