A responsive e-learning system for the challenges facing health sciences education

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://wiredspace.wits.ac.za/handle/10539/26343

This data has been deposited for access, preservation, data management, and dissemination. This data is a work in progress. The files are under embargo for 6 years until the project and its various publications are completed. The data feeds into a large linked dataset. However, the researchers welcome collaborations. The data from this paper cannot be disseminated without permission from the larger project. The data that support the findings of this study are available upon reasonable request as determined by the data access and ethics committees to confirm these findings during the embargo peer reviewer excepted The data is in secure holding; if you are a reviewer, please email the Librarian at nina.lewin@wits.ac.za or via the repository site to request access, please contact the researchers for collaboration.


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Availability of data and materials Data is available: On Request approved by the committee The datasets generated during and/or analyzed during the current study are available in the University of Witwatersrand repository, After the expiry of the embargo period, The datasets generated during and/or analyzed during the current study are not publicly available to ensure that the ethical responsibilities and warranties made by the researchers to the respondents are maintained but will be available from the repository on request to the data access committee. In addition, the data documentation, codebook, and a nonsensitive sample data set are available for general use. The sensitive data can be shared but only if the original terms of the ethical clearance are maintained and on the application for reuse to the original ethical committee. Please contact the Librarian, for help in writing a proposal for reuse of the data. Once approved, a dataset will be prepared in line with the request. The data is always open for the purposes of peer review. The researchers have indicated willingness to collaborate on replication studies.