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Item Appointment of directing staff at the South African National War College(2018) Maila, ZoliswaThe South Africa National War College is the highest military training institution of the South African National Defence Force. This instition has a mandate to train senior officer to prepare them for various appointments in the organisation, including that of staff officer, operational commanders and in leadership positions. The success SANWC and the Joint Senior Command and Staff Programme relies on the appointment of Directing Staff who are able to provide training and development to these officers.Item Factors influencing the formulation and implementation of human resource policy(1994) Cameron-Dow, George XavierThe purpose of this study was to identify the factorS involved in the process of Human Resource policy formulation and implementation as well as to determine who the stakeholders are and to what extent they are consulted in the process. A further objective of this exploratory research was to gather empirical date that would serve as the basis for the development of a generic human resource policy formUlation and implementation model. [Abbreviated Abstract. Open document to view full version]Item Labour legislation and performance among small enterprises in the Gauteng province of South Africa(2016) Okharedia, Akhabue AnthonyThe principal aim of this study is to analyse how the three (3) labour legislations, namely, (a) the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995, (b) the Basic Conditions of Employment Act 75 of 1997 and (c) the Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998 influence the growth, management and governance of small enterprises in Gauteng Province of South Africa. This research also investigates if the complete exclusion, selective exclusion or parallel application of the above three labour legislations will help in the management, growth and good governance of small enterprises in Gauteng Province. In addition to the above issues, this research also investigates how disputes are resolved in small enterprises. Furthermore, this research investigates the issue of organisational rights in small enterprises.To investigate all the above issues, the researcher used both qualitative and quantitative research techniques and both techniques were quite useful in the data analysis.The inference that was drawn from the data analysis is that application of the three (3) labour legislations in terms of complete exclusion, selective exclusion and parallel application of the three labour legislations is very important for the growth, management and good governance of small enterprises and this is fully discussed in the thesis. The analysis of the research data indicates that small enterprises cannot benefit from the organisational rights entrenched in the Labour Relation Act of 1995 and the reasons for this are discussed in the thesis. This research also found that small enterprises cannot resolve their disputes efficiently through the current process of dispute resolution as stipulated in Section 135 of the LRA. The reasons why small enterprises find it difficult to follow the process is discussed in the thesis. The recommendations in this thesis, attempt to offer solutions to the identified problems.Item Trust in the manager - subordinate relationship(2016-08-05) Blackburn, Debora AnnTrust is considered by some managementE!:xperts to be a -":'1 'ii critical element· in organisational ;relat,iori!ships. This factor is especially important in South A~rica where organisational rela·tionships are often mistrust * There has ,.;~~~(ill~;lelirtytle empirical rese\t~=Chcord'ired ~~ this topic. /[lhe literature reviewed p1\\pposed'!th) flt the '0 'v. ? ~\\ managerial benaviours .and a;ttitudes that. b~.ild subdic~tinate II. ,!': \ __ _ _,', _\'" _ _ __ -. ·'~\.F ,.',.: t,rus.t are those that relate 't\') the. managers.' ownleyt~l"of •.•. I' ~\ integri ty. 'l'he~e was almost no l~t~~rature ~railable '\hat }\ • . l' Ii,. ~ examinedthe .behaviours and attitu:~e, tihat; destroy trl.l~~. .. II·· 1 Ii -. The aim of the st.udy , t}'lerefore, ~~s to develop guidelines for managex:sby explo:ring the element of trust in the :-~\~" ma,nager-subordinate relationship •. It endeavoured to ident.ify Which managerial behaviours and att.itudes build \'.. t:, ,_~.) and which ones destroy subordinate trttst. It also distingu.ished differences in ,the perception and experience of subordinate 'trust between four identified jc;-h grade levels and three Sites. The ::esearch was conducted within three diverse manUfacturing sites of one company. The dana,was collected by means of the NominalGroupTechnique, which elicited a .. \~ broad set:. of v\?-e,'lS f~om employees within ~, disciplined '\1\ \J :'_;,\~ '. \'~ ;; , ~\" -, n \' /. ,_," . ,\ \i r: \i The" +e'search ~in~.fl!gs differed significantly from the \ Hte),,,ture reV:L!"i.\ The ll\anageria~ "peha,fiours th"t b~Ud \ sUbor<:\inate tru~t ",,",'those t)¥l.tJJempower the ,subordinate to ~.\ develop a.nCt grow. as ,~fell .,as reduce their dependency upon;;,\ _~" lj ')' ' \~" , ,,'\, (j t toanagers. i' WhereasI \'the :manage:es'·OlM lack of personal \ ,~il1tegl;'ity destroys sU~!.)ordinatet:rust.. Thus, managemenil •r\'1\tYle .. 'has .more. 0impa,c.~•o~~ destroying S.Ubordina~e trust than I\W. has on bUilcling',;it\:e,n WaS i~"ntU~ed that, tp,st ·1 \P~.ildin9 and :trust d~S.'·.tr~.;_ behaViou~sf. are not. rJ..arised. \ ~\\. .' '5; " t\ ',".... '\. .> \ \ " f! \ .' '\ ' \ ~.\ '\1 ',' . \\ . •r. ..~.I'. \, '\., • ' , ;i A\"raralJ_<\l'. be~we"n trus~\ buHd!.ng \~d';oUv~tion was ,'i id\~~tified., in th~t both ~f~)rOaCheSqsat\;Lsfy suborclinates t " \1 ne~p:s.. Tru7t IN'as\~iscovel1e~ ,to )lave a r~\c;:iprocq;.l i'lspe,ct t'b 1/1 :Lt.'\ ~rti's" cit" b~ bllilt \!\,:.~OU,g-che:rtao~n.' bU. il.d.tng 'I' \,." \\ !\ " \\ ~': ", " !. ,:\ '\ P'i] J.p .••e. h~~:iours.l ho'(Vevet;"the~e ~.;•lrlaviou:cs Wi~~ ,~o:wbJ: ef:Ee¢.clve \" \\ . \ \: II ...• i " III Mt"'!l" tru$t i~,,\ al'\7,:aclYp,;"'ie~t in the r!l>lationsl)j,'_', . " JI c IThe scope (If th~~stttdy t'las J~~ploratO:CYtand 'as such II ,// opened up many areas for fur:ther research. ili. 11i\ structure~ , \) nas o c o " ;_,)