Electronic Theses and Dissertations (PhDs)
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Item Factors limiting karoo shrub populations in the Nama-Karoo(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023-09) Hebbelmann, Lisa; O’Connor, Tim; Witkowski, EdThe Nama-Karoo Biome occupies the central and western region of South Africa. Nama-Karoo shrublands are dominated by karoo dwarf shrubs and in the wetter eastern regions annual and perennial grasses are interspersed among shrubs. Rainfall and grazing are the main drivers of vegetation change in the Nama-Karoo. Stocking rate, season of grazing and animal type are important influences on vegetation community composition, and rainfall determines shrub growth and the abundance of grass. More recently, fire has been identified as a driver of vegetation change. Understanding vegetation change is important for land managers in the Nama-Karoo as changes in karoo shrub communities have implications for forage availability. This thesis is focused on understanding how grazing, fire, grass-shrub competition, and soil moisture and temperature affect the composition, structure, growth and phenology of karoo shrubs in the Eastern Upper Karoo. Livestock type and stocking rate vary greatly over the greater Nama-Karoo area. Plant composition data from the Afrikaner-Hereford grazing trial at Grootfontein show that grazing has a strong legacy effect on Karoo rangelands and grazing-induced compositional and structural changes are clear many years after grazing has ceased. Different sheep breeds affect karoo shrub communities in different ways. There was a severe negative effect of heavy stocking with dorper sheep on karoo shrub communities and their structure; the impacts of merino sheep were significant but less severe. Effects of animal type and stocking rate were not consistent across the sites but appear to be dependent on edaphic factors. Soil physical properties appear to play an important part in determining the long term effects of grazing on karoo shrub communities. Fire is a novel disturbance in the Karoo. Nine sites which had experienced fire for the first time in history were studied for the effect of fire on the composition and structure of their shrub communities. The immediate effect of fire on karoo shrub communities was severe and the legacy effect of fire was significant. The nature of recovery after a fire depended on the abundance of fire-intolerant obligate reseeder shrubs that are killed by fire compared to the abundance of fire-tolerant resprouting shrubs. Rainfall and grazing management were important determinants of shrub recovery after a fire. As rainfall increases, grass biomass is predicted to increase, and this may result in fire becoming a more frequent occurrence in the Nama-Karoo. During periods of high rainfall, the biomass of grass in the Nama-Karoo increased at the expense of shrub cover. The effect of grass-shrub competition on shrub growth and phenology is not adequately explained by existing hypotheses of niche separation and succession. A field experiment which examined the growth and phenology of karoo shrubs in the presence of grass (unclipped control) and the absence of grass (grass removed by clipping) did not provide evidence of a competitive effect from grass on shrub growth or phenology. It did, however, provide valuable insight into how shrub growth and phenology are influenced by soil moisture and temperature. Rainfall in the Nama-Karoo is sporadic and a karoo shrub’s ability to utilise soil moisture will determine its ability to grow and successfully recruit. Shrub growth, with or without grasses in the vicinity, was strongly correlated with rainfall, but this was modified by temperature. Similarly, soil moisture and temperature were important for stem growth and phenology. Flowering occurred in response to soil moisture all year round but seeding occurred mainly during summer. Patterns of growth and phenology can be used by land managers to optimise shrub production while allowing phenological processes to take place. The findings of this study provide further insight into how grazing, fire, competition, soil moisture and temperature influence shrub populations and their structure, and these are discussed in the context of an existing state-and-transition model for the Eastern Upper Karoo. The importance of animal type and stocking rate, and how they vary across Nama-Karoo landscapes, is highlighted. The legacy of both grazing and fire reveal that the transitions between the alternate states of Nama-Karoo shrublands are not easily reversed in a management timeframe. It may take decades for a community changed by grazing or fire, acting independently or in conjunction, to return to their former state even under benign management. These findings along with a description of how soil moisture and temperature influence shrub growth and phenology have been used to make ecologically sound recommendations for the management of Nama-Karoo rangelands. Future research is needed to improve our understanding of how edaphic factors limit and influence karoo shrub populations across a variety of karoo landscapes, how repeat fires might change karoo vegetation, and whether temperature and the presence of pollinators influences shrub seed set. An assessment of the economic implications of vegetation change in the Nama-karoo is warranted so that management recommendations can be made with both ecology and economy in mind.Item South African Podocarpaceae distribution interpreted from a physiological and population genetics perspective(University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, 2023-09) Twala, Thando Caroline; Fisher, Jolene T.; Glennon, Kelsey L.Podocarpaceae (podocarp) are the most diverse conifer family with a Southern Hemisphere distribution. Podocarps occur in Afrotemperate and Afromontane forests at high elevations that are cool and humid. Podocarps once dominated the forest canopy but due to their slower growth rate and photosynthetic rates they have are in competition withangiosperms which have faster growing and higher photosynthetic rate. Due to the competition between podocarps and angiosperms, Bond (1989) proposed that podocarps were excluded to nutrient poor and unfavourable environments due to their limited competitive ability. However, podocarps persist under the forest canopy until conditions become favourable. This power dynamic shifts with climate oscillations where podocarps distributions expand and dominate when conditions become cooler. Owing to podocarps being the most diverse and widespread conifers they make for a good study system. This thesis focuses on understanding the climatic variables driving the current and future distribution of podocarps, how their seedling physiology may influence their ability to recruit and establish under climate change, and how this can influence their ability to disperse in their South African distribution. Ensemble species distribution modelling was used to characterise the current and future distribution of podocarps and identify the climatic variables that influence their distribution. The current and future environmental niche was quantified using environmental niche modelling. I found that variables predicting rainfall seasonality were the most important at determining the distribution of podocarps in South Africa. Afrocarpus falcatus and P. latifolius were predicted to have the largest geographic distribution, with P. henkelii and P. elongatus having restricted distributions. Both A. falcatus and P. latifolius were predicted to occur in the Limpopo, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal, Eastern Cape and Western Cape provinces of South Africa. Podocarpus henkelii was predicted to occur in the KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape provinces. Podocarpus elongatus is endemic to the Western Cape Province. All four podocarps were predicted to expand to higher altitudes (up the escarpment) under climate change and contract in its coastal distribution. Although P. elongatus was predicted to occupy the smallest geographic distribution it was predicted to have the widest environmental niche than the other species, which was predicted to contract under climate change. The environmental niche of P. latifolius and P. henkelii was predicted to remain stable. Afrocarpus falcatus, P. latifolius, and P. henkelii showed niche conservatism, however, P. elongatus under RCP 4.5 → current and the RCP 8.5↔ current niche comparisons showed niche divergence. Podocarpus elongatus was predicted to expand to an environment it currently does not occupy. Ecophysiological and morphological experiments were conducted to understand how podocarp seedlings respond to drought and elevated temperatures. The experiments indicated that P. henkelii seedlings were more drought and heat tolerant than A. falcatus seedlings. Conditions are predicted to become hotter and drier in some parts of South Africa, and this study has shown that P. henkelii seedlings will be able to tolerate these conditions better than A. falcatus seedlings. Furthermore, this suggests that the distribution of P. henkelii is not constrained by its physiology but rather by other mechanisms such as competition, reproductive biology, and/or shade tolerance. Microsatellites were used to inform us about possible podocarp dispersal patterns in A. falcatus, P. latifolius and P. henkelii in South Africa. The results suggested that podocarp populations in South Africa were shown to have higher genetic diversity than other podocarps globally, however these results may be due to the limited number of microsatellites used in this study, smaller population sizes in comparison to other studies and methods used to measure population structure and diversity. As expected, the geographically widespread species (A. falcatus and P. latifolius) are more diverse than the geographically restricted P. henkelii. Geographically distant A. falcatus and P. henkelii populations showed higher differentiation than geographically proximal populations. In P. latifolius South African populations, there was strong isolation by distance. Although the distribution of podocarps is disjunct, there is dispersal between populations. Podocarps are resilient to climate change as was demonstrated by the work in this thesis, and by their paleodistribution expanding and contracting with climate oscillations. In this thesis I considered climate, ecophysiology and genetics as determinants of podocarps distribution. Under climate change, podocarps are predicted to expand to higher elevations to track favourable climatic conditions. Seasonal drought is the most important climatic determinant of podocarp distribution. The ability of these species to tolerate drought and heat stress suggests that the seedlings might be able to tolerate short periods of drought and heat stress, however prolonged exposure may lead to seedling mortality, but populations will then be maintained by adults. Populations show evidence of gene flow, indicating they will be able to persist through changing climates, as they have done in the past. This thesis has highlighted that the factors constraining podocarp distributions might be demographic, and future works should investigate the role of fire in podocarp seedling establishment and longevity, as well as their interactions with angiosperm competitors.