Double sufficiency.requirements of justice healthcare distribution
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Mojanaga, Marije Versteeg
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Billions of people worldwide cannot access the healthcare they need, giving impetus to
global and local efforts to improve coverage of healthcare. How this can be done justly
remains contested. In this dissertation I seek to make a contribution to current debate. I
argue that a satisfactory account of justice requires a distinction between healthcare
and social justice principles. Adapting Rawls’ notion of a “veil of ignorance”, I propose a
way of thinking about prioritised packages of healthcare corresponding to intrinsic
healthcare needs over a lifetime. I conclude that justice requires “Double Sufficiency”,
which refers to sufficient access to prioritised packages through a threshold approach.
While tragic cases remain unavoidable, this approach expresses equal concern for
everyone’s healthcare needs.
A research report submitted to theFaculty of Humanities, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Master of Arts, Applied Ethics for Professionals.
Johannesburg, 28 June 2019
Versteeg, Marije Alexa, (2019) Double suffiency :requirements of justice in healthcare distribution, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg,