The impact of a learning study on the practice of experienced Physical Sciences teachers topic specific PCK in Stoichiometry
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Malcolm, Stephen Andrew
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The topic of stoichiometry, which deals with the quantitative aspects of chemical reactions, is
considered difficult to teach. Students’ poor performance in the topic is also well documented
in the literature. In the South African context, students’ poor performance in final exit
examinations, particularly on the mole, have sparked concerns over the teaching and learning
of the topic, which has, in turn, highlighted the need for professional development. This
thesis reports on a study conducted to determine the potential of a Learning Study as a
professional development activity to develop teachers’ topic-specific pedagogical content
knowledge in the mole. The study was conducted using a mixed methods research
methodology in two distinct phases. In the first phase, the quality of experienced teachers’
topic-specific PCK was determined using instruments to measure teachers’ TSPCK and
content knowledge. Responses to the instrument were used to determine the quality of
teachers’ teaching approaches when teaching stoichiometry. This phase of the study
highlighted that most teachers teach stoichiometry algorithmically. These results were used to
inform the second phase of the study, particularly the focus of the professional development
activity. During the second phase of the study, a Professional Learning Community was
formed with three teachers selected from those who had completed the instruments in the first
phase of the study. These teachers were enrolled in a post-graduate program, with the
Professional Learning Community forming part of their own research component. Together
with their supervisors as experts, we planned a lesson on the mole, explicitly using the
construct of TSPCK in a Learning Study. During the Learning Study, the lesson was critically
discussed and improved on over three cycles. These discussions formed the basis of
determining the development of teachers’ TSPCK. The study found that the critical
engagement of the lessons resulted in an improvement of the teachers’ TSPCK in the topic of
stoichiometry. The impact of the Learning Study, in terms of the collective topic-specific
PCK evident in a Professional Learning Community being enacted in the teaching practices
of the teachers in the Learning Study highlighted that they delivered significantly better
lessons than a comparison group that did not work together collaboratively. Participation in a
Learning Study with the explicit inclusion of TSPCK not only develops teachers’ TSPCK but
has a significant impact on the lessons delivered by the teachers working collaboratively. The study also contributes to the understanding of TSPCK enactment, and provides empirical evidence in terms of the emerging patterns during TSPCK enactment that supports the
consensus model of teacher knowledge.
Thesis presented for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Wits School of Education, Faculty of Humanities University of Witwatersrand, February 2018
Malcolm, Stephen Andrew (2018) The impact of a learning study on the practice of experienced physical sciences teachers topicspecific PCK in Stoichiometry, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, <>