The impact of commercialism on community: a case study of coverage of the Alexandra Renewal Project by two commercially-owned newspapers
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Tsingo, Michael
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In a bid to reflect the role of commercial media in communities, this study examines the
reportage, by two commercially-owned community newspapers, on the township of
Alexandra’s important community development story, the Alexandra Renewal Project (ARP).
Driven by a common assumption that commercialism poses a threat to the watchdog role of the
media, and does not reflect community views, this study uses the theories of community media
and media political economy to highlight the tension between commercial publishers and
grassroots community media advocates. The study uses content analysis and interviews to
reflect the role of the newspapers by critically analysing content and opinions about the
coverage of ARP by the two newspapers. The dissertation argues that if the two
commercially-owned newspapers, namely Alex News and City Vision, are covering ARP – a
vital story for Alexandra’s post apartheid revival, then they are moving towards fulfilling their
community function as community media. However, a closer analysis of such coverage is key
to questions on whether commercialism can balance between making money and serving