The effect of enamel etchants and a cleaning agent on cut dentine: an in vitro study

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Sparrius, O.
Grossman, E. S.

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Cavities 1,25 x 2,00mm were prepared in the cervical dentine of extracted human premolar teeth using a no. 577 tungsten carbide bur. The cavity depth was standardised at 1mm with the aid of a depth gauge fitted to the high speed airturbine. The cavities were hemisected with a low speed, water cooled, diamond disc saw, then cleaned with water and air. Thereafter the following solutions were applied to six cavities each as per manufacturers' instructions: Anhydron; Chemfill (Citric Acid); Enamelbond etchant and Scotchbond etchant gel. Once the cavities had been cleaned and dried, the specimens were prepared for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and viewed at magnifications of x35, x200 and x2000. Cavity walls and floors were viewed separately and representative areas photographed. Similarly prepared unetched cavities served as a control.


MRC/University of the Witwatersrand Dental Research Institute, Johannesburg


Dental Enamel, Dental Etching, Bicuspid


Sparrius, O and Grossman, E. S. 1985. The effect of enamel etchants and a cleaning agent on cut dentine: an in vitro study. Elektronmikroskopieveriniging van Suidelike Afrika, 15: 179-180.



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