Union of South Africa . House of Assembly Debates


Debates of the House of Assembly of the Union of South Africa as reported in the Cape Times. Debates of the House of Assembly / Union of South Africa= Debatten van de Volksraad / Unie van Zuid-Afrika. South Africa Politics and government


108 v. South Africa Politics and government


Union of South Africa, House of Assembly, Tenth Parliament, Third session, 29 May 1950, 24 June 1950, Vol. 73, Index to Subjects, afrikaans dictionary, National Finance Corporation, publication of accounts (Mr Henderson), Mr Henderson, National House, sale of (Mr Davidof), Mr Davidof, Index to Speeches, Ballinger, Mrs V.M.L, Mushet, the Hon. J.W, Vasco, Williams, Mr H.J (Boksburg), JC044733




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