Satisfaction of inpatients in a psychiatric hospital with nursing service and communication
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Masilani, Mhakamuni Lucy
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Therapeutic communication skills are vital in psychiatric nursing. They contribute
extensively to patients' perceptions about the quality of care received whilst in hospital.
The aim of the study was to establish inpatients' level of general satisfaction and
satisfaction with nursing communication in a psychiatric hospital, with a view to
suggesting recommendations that focus on improving nurse-patient relationships.
This study was conducted in a specialist psychiatric hospital in Gauteng, Johannesburg,
South Africa. The target population was 140 inpatients and a sample size of 53 patients
was used after the selection process had been completed. A qualitative, exploratory,
descriptive and non-experimental design was selected for the study. Data was collected
using questionnaires. The purpose of the study was to determine psychiatric patients'
satisfaction of nurses' communication and care in psychiatric hospital.
Raw data was pooled and analysed using descriptive statistical analytical procedures.
The results were presented in graphs, tables and summaries depicting the responses
and highlighting patients' overall experience of hospitalization and nursing interventions
and communication. Recommendations to relevant stakeholders are suggested based
on the findings of this study in order to improve service delivery in psychiatric hospitals.
MSc (Nursing), Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand
satisfaction, communication, service delivery, psychiatric nursing