Safe as houses: art and (in)security
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Geldenhuys, Amber-Jade
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This practice based research project engages with the theme of safety and security
through the conceptualisation and production of sculptures and drawings. The
exhibition takes the form of an installation which is the primary source of interrogation
into the broad topic of increasing securitisation in the contemporary urban environment.
The components of this research project include 1) a body of practical artwork which
explores the theme of safety and security in Johannesburg and 2) a dissertation which
locates this exploration in theoretical, critical, historical perspectives. There is a
particular focus on two other securitised cities namely São Paulo and London in
relationship to the work of artists Marcelo Cidade and Mona Hatoum respectively,
specifically sculpture/installation, which engages thematically and materially with
notions of power, surveillance and security that responds to their immediate
surroundings. The Johannesburg security context and works by the design team Dokter
and Misses are analysed and finally a documentation and critical reflection of my own
creative work produced in the context of this study.
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of
Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree
of Masters of Arts in Fine Arts by Dissertation.
Johannesburg, 2014.